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  1. Sizzlingwoks Napoleonic themed mod - recruiting

    *bump to prevent death*
  2. SP Musket Era Modern Pirates mod! Released! V2.5 for 0.751 updated 18/4

    The whole cannon/knockout thing IS rather annoying, since it shows your crew as 'alive' when the battle starts, but, when you get to the screen, all it is is you and twenty French musketeers on the other ship because all your teamates are knocked out.
    Very frustrating :razz:
  3. SP Musket Era Modern Pirates mod! Released! V2.5 for 0.751 updated 18/4

    Excellent mod, question though...
    The battle-size slider does nothing, so I end up with ALL of my men on deck when fighting. That really doesnt help with combat on my little ketch, especially when I start getting:
    'English musketeer killed by English musketeer'
    'English musketeer killed by English musketeer'
    'English musketeer killed by English musketeer'
    'English musketeer killed by English musketeer'
    'English musketeer killed by English musketeer'
    From people shooting each other in the back of the head.

    Also, the blunderbuss seems to be semi-automatic, perhaps its a revolving blunderbuss? ^_^

    And lastly, are there natives in the mod? I note lots of obsidian weaponry in the stores, but I havent had a chance to look around South America at this point, too busy pwning Frenchies at sea.

    All that aside, I have to say, this is ALMOST as good as, say, Sea Dogs. Better in some aspects.
    Now we just need bigger ships and the ability to swing around on ropes with our cutlass' in our teeth :wink:
  4. Sizzlingwoks Napoleonic themed mod - recruiting

    As noted, galting guns were in existance and cavalry was losings its style, it couldnt compete with repeating rifles, revolvers, gatling guns and other advanced weaponry. The armies of 1871 were basically the armies of WWI, although mostly armed with rifled muskets, and shiney uniforms.
  5. Sizzlingwoks Napoleonic themed mod - recruiting

    I would like to see a mod that included ALL of the Great Powers (Austria, Prussia, Russia, France, England), and some of the just-plain-Powers (Ottoman Empire, Spain, etc.), but the creator said he wanted to keep it simple for now. That most likely means France and one other nation in the initial release, or just two factions ('Allies' and 'Coalition', maybe), depending on when the mod takes place.
    1871 is (IMO) too modern, repeating rifles and machine guns and modern-ish warships take away from the feel of musket-era combat. You could get some other people together though, but I doubt many care about the German Unification, I would imagine they would want a Wild West Mod, or something.

    They had SOME of the best soldiers in the world :razz:
    The Russian elites scared Napoleon, mostly for the fact that they tended to launch bayonette charges by way of surrendering, but also for the fact that a lot of Europeans thought that they didnt feel pain because crying out on the battlefield was forbidden. Check Napoleonguide :smile:)
  6. Sizzlingwoks Napoleonic themed mod - recruiting

    Np, Im a sort of amature historian and have studied a bit into the period. If you need somebody to write stuff up for you, I would be glad to help you with the mod.
  7. Sizzlingwoks Napoleonic themed mod - recruiting

    Just a few suggestions of my own:
    -Remember to add the Russians :razz:

    -If possible, improve the computers formations, so that infantry can actually line up, that or modify the 'horse' to be invisible and accept multiple units, sort of like the Battlefield Vietnam mod for the Revolutionary War.

    -Cannons, as I said in the other thread, would be nice. I think it would be possible to modify the horse in such a way as to become a slow moving vehicle that shoots things :razz:

    -Seasons would be nice, change 'Night' and 'Day' for 'Spring/Summer' and 'Fall/Winter', it would give the game a much more strategic feel.

    I can most likely think of a few more.

    In the mean time, here is a site with some excellent information on the period, most of it doesnt really apply to this mod, but you may find something of interest:
  8. Sizzlingwoks Napoleonic themed mod - recruiting

    Steltsy were the Russian equivalent of arquibuissers, they were mostly killed/exiled/formed into normal army units around the reign of Peter the Great in the early 1700's, they would not appear in a Napoleonic Mod. That and they were pwned by modern (at the time) Russian Army units trained by Peter.
    Those pictures look awsome so far, is there any date for a download?
  9. Napoleonic Mod

    Anybody else have anything to say?
  10. Napoleonic Mod

    Sounds good, but I think you would only need two factions in this case, although they would be fairly spread out...
    You would have 'The French Coalition' and the 'Allies' (cant remember the historical name), although the factions would be rather spread out, and you might have to make some kind of bridge to England :razz:
    But it would add to the...atmosphere to see the different 'nationalities', even if they were in the same faction.
  11. Napoleonic Mod

    I think the mod should focus on Europe as a whole, not just the 'famous' players like Britian and France, Russia has some interesting stuff going on. Like hordes of cheap infantry :wink:
    Possibly you could do merchant runs from the Ottoman Empire (not realistic again, but meh :razz:), and places like Venice, protect convoys and all that.
  12. Napoleonic Mod

    Aside from the cannons, the mod seems perfectly workable, all you would NEED is new models and animations, possibly add more 'crossbow' weapons that use aforementioned models/animations.
    It would be very innacurate, but would do insane amounts of damage when it it.
    Other weapons might include blunderbusses, pistols, rifles, that sort of thing, in addition to swords and lances used by cavalry and officers.
  13. Napoleonic Mod

    No...I was saying that you could make a big model of a cannon that had an encumbernce of something like 100, it would slow you down MAJORLY. It wouldnt be really realistic, but it would look good enough for the M&B crowd :razz:
    Anyway, they might not fit in, but they would be fun ^ _^
  14. Napoleonic Mod

    Lu Bu said:
    I dont think it would be good too, also there are many napo games out there. :razz:
    Really? Could you show me an example of a non-strategy Napoleonic war game in the third person that isnt really horrible?

    Other than that, I think cannons might work as I said, if not, just make them like a really big crossbow thing that has an encumberance of about 100.
  15. Napoleonic Mod

    Keep in mind, this is just random musings right now. I have neither the skills nor the time to make a workable mod :P Anyway... Ive seen some mumblings about the board that a Napoleonic-era mod might be good. I think it would be quite workable since loading/firing a musket would be sort of...
  16. Help with adding pictures into posts

    Im thinking I'll get a new account, the name of the Hitman has been tarnished.
    Nah, too lazy :razz:
  17. Marnid and Borcha = M&B

    Congrats, your the first person to ever notice this in the history of Mount and Blade.
  18. Combat Tips

    Actually, Kamamura, the 'yet unfinished AI' is quite accurate in this respect, its much harder to defend against a sword blow coming in on the right than one coming in from the left (at least, using most weapons), since most right-handed people would hold their sword/pike/whatever in their right hand and a shield in their left. And, in the case that they did not have a shield, they would use the left hand to brace their weapon in a parry from a heavy swordblow such as might be delivered from horseback.
    This is also true when on foot, consider; your facing your enemy, he holds his sword in his right hand, as do you, both of you have shields in your left hand. If he attacks you on the right, you either have to bring your shield over, dropping your sword, or parry the blow, which may result in a number of unpleasant events such as the breakage of your weapon, or ending up cutting yourself, depending on the strength of the blow.

    The lance does indeed pwn all :wink:
    I find the best way to 'discourage' black riders and other such 'tailergaters' is to get a good bow and fire back over your shoulder, accuracy is not an issue since they tend to follow in crowds, in fact, a low bow skill may help you somewhat in this respect, you can shoot at a wider angle than somebody with a low skill. Of course, theres a chance your arrow might fly off into the blue, but hey :razz:
  19. Combat Tips

    Wow, its nice to see my topic is still around ^_^

    To contribute something:
    I find that enemies have a tougher time hitting you if you attack from your left when riding a horse, you tend to get hit less and lancers have to change direction to hit you, meaning that they stop and you can chop them up nicely before they can get back to speed.

    Enemy bowmen in the new versions are MUCH less accurate, most people can out-shoot them from the start, provided they take time to aim.
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