Recent content by tizuby

  1. [Dev responds] No patch for 2 days

    They said they were slowing things down and trying to move to a weekly cadence. So the expectation should be ~7 days with no patches with hotfixes being a bonus.
  2. Overburdened?

    There's a bug after updates sometimes where mount carry capacity isn't applied. IIRC the way to fix it is to make a save in the new version and then reload.

    Are the steam forums leaking into here or what?
  4. Any Chance for Noble Titles in the Game ??

    What about Family members ?? any chance to give them a fief??

    I mean, you could try kicking them from the clan and hiring them back on as a vassal maybe? If you can even kick family members. Though good luck with getting them to agree to being a vassal after booting 'em from the clan. Wanderers just go back to being wanderers after being booted I think, so that won't work for them. I don't know what happens to family members if they're booted (do they start a new clan, become wanderers, revert to their old clan if they had one).

    Again, it's the *clan* that owns the fiefs, not the individual members of the clan (family are part of the clan). Think of it like shared ownership where everyone has an equal ownership share, but only the CEO (clan leader) directs what happens.

    That said I wouldn't be surprised at all if the governor role was eventually expanded to actually manage it for you (recruiting, building, etc...). Then you could assign a clan member as a governor and they'd run it. Though that's not currently how it works.

    The important thing to remember though is that clan members aren't vassals. So they don't get to partake in things specific to clans, such as owning fiefs and voting. They're basically just an extension of the clan leader.
  5. Cleave mechanic

    Where? Is it compat with the public betas as they come out?
    Nothing on steam.

    The nexus. There's no steam workshop support yet, so that's where mods are.
  6. Hints for getting my Surgeon Companion's Medicine skill up?

    Thanks guys i'll give those a try.

    One thing though, i'm not in a Kingdom yet so what does an Companion do exactly when leading his/her own party? Wander aimlessly losing my recruits?

    More or less.
  7. Cleave mechanic

    I hope they will add decapitations.

    There's already a mod for that.
  8. Any Chance for Noble Titles in the Game ??

    Btw why can't i give fiefs to my companions ?

    The clan owns the fiefs, not individual members, with the head of the clan controlling them. Companions are just non-family clan members.
    You can set them up as governors though.
  9. dont like how sp makes level advancement...

    I believe some of that is related to focus point spending though.

    The problem with the cap goes back to what I was saying about the relative value of the attributes. Vigour, Control and to an extent Endurance are somewhat hampered by the fact that they contain multiple skills you wouldn't ordinarily expect on the one character while Social and Intelligence contain skills you do generally want on the same character. This causes a problem since combat skills in particular tend to be quicker to level, so at some point if you're playing a horse archer for example you end up needing to spend time as a crossbow wielding infantryman to raise the otherwise useless athletics and crossbow skills enough to let you raise the cap on riding and archery. Play a trader on the other hand and since all three of their important skills come under Social and tend to be a little slower to raise you don't really hit the same problem until much later, if at all.
    Removing the cap and using attributes as a bonus mitigates this somewhat simply by removing the need to grind redundant skills for more combat oriented playstyles (and relying on the non-combat skills being slower to raise simply due to opportunity to prevent those becoming efficient means of power leveling).

    The speed at which those get leveled and the amount of things that grant experience to those skills can fairly easily be increased though. It's a balancing issue.

    Right now those skills are very much unbalanced compared to the combat skills.

    Steward skill is, for example, very easy to level. Roll around the map with 4-5 types of food and some troops and it levels nearly every day.

    Medicine, conversely, levels very slowly right now because you have to sit in town and not much XP is granted while troops are recovering. Unless you're taking massive amounts of wounded it'll never get high. Leadership needs non-army related ways to increase it, as does tactics. Trading needs more of a boost, perhaps even a passive gain from your caravans and workshops when they're operating at a profit.

    *Edit* (Accidentally hit some combination of buttons that put the focus on "post" and hit enter.... doh)
  10. dont like how sp makes level advancement...

    and here you got an example

    That you have no clue what you are talking about.
    You don't even understand the problem, because you obviously never played to the point when the "green thingy" can't be raised anymore.

    Oh, look at you quoting out of context.

    Go read the line I typed immediately following it, where I pointed out that the current implementation will slowly penalize you as you *pass* the boundary until it caps at 0, and then mentioned a way to tweak the system to resolve it.

    The core isn't "rotton". You just don't like this type of skill system. That itself is a valid opinion. What's not valid is you stating your opinion as though it were a fact. It's not, it's subjective.

    The implementation they should be aiming for is one in which you don't have to grind on things you don't care about to progress the skills that you do care about. I agree with that sentiment. As do others in this thread. That's why we're looking at ways the current implementation of the system could be changed to achieve that.

    What you're proposing is throwing everything out and reverting to an (in my opinion) worse system that makes no sense and is a holdover from the 80's when RPGs and experience systems were first conceived. They needed a quick, easy to calculate by hand way of having character progression. So they sacrificed any semblance of "this makes sense" to achieve that. It worked well enough, given those needs (it still does on pen & paper RPGs). However, logically "I can kill X bad guys and will be a master blacksmith if I put all my points there!" makes no sense.

    It's not (in my opinion) a good system when the computer is doing all the math for you.
  11. Horses food consuption

    Tried it out, it does indeed apply to normal horses, I stand corrected.

    Yeah I just looked at the code. herd size is pack hoses + livestock + amount of mounts in excess of what's wanted for troops. The actual penalty is either -0.8 or -0.02 * herdSize / totalMenCount. Whichever is higher. Penalty only applied if herd size is greater than 0.
  12. Horses food consuption

    Only applies to pack horses.

    It applies to normal horses as well.

    I had it pretty bad when I ran solo through Aserai territory and bought up all the desert horses and aserai horses I could, multiple times.
  13. dont like how sp makes level advancement...

    No it is not for the reasons i explained in post # 10

    The way it is at the moment, you ran against a wall on your chosen core skills and you can't level up higher unless you generalize and grind points in skills you don't need/want.

    And your explanation is wrong, because you're only taking the current preliminary implementation of it into account and not looking at the higher level vision of it.

    The goal of the system is so you gain skills/levels organically. That's what it's designed around. That it's flawed with the current implementation doesn't negate that. The system still needs work, obviously, to achieve that vision. It's early access though, that's to be expected. Virtually none of these features and systems are in their finished state.
  14. dont like how sp makes level advancement...

    I suspect they'd be better inverted, i.e. rather than applying a penalty to skill growth once it passes the attribute boundary instead provide a bonus to skill gain up to that boundary. It'd retain it's incentive to specialise without overly punishing players for focusing on the 'wrong' skills at the wrong time.

    It already does that. Your EXP rate is much higher the more green there is. As you get closer to the boundary it drops.

    Instead of completely nixing the penalty phase (where you go past the boundary far enough till you get 0xp gain) they should cap the total possible attribute amounts like they do focus, and once you hit the maximum attribute level the penalty should never reach 0. Something like 0.5 instead. And that should really only take effect around 250 to 275.

    Ideally we should be able to eventually max out 3, maybe 4 skills, but also become moderately ok in the rest. But not becoming an in-game god by being able to max everything (that's something that should be left to modding/cheat menus).
  15. Please make the unit banner more transparent.

    Yea i got the most issues in hideouts with my men in shield wall right behind me while i was sniping.
    (Won't have that problem anymore because i won't play that silly minigame anymore without a mod that let me bring my troops).
    But in general it would be dope if we could switch it on and off or adjust the intensitiy of the banners at some point.

    I'm not disagreeing with having icons be toggle-able (good luck on the battlefield though, when you realize you've been bopping your own guys on the head, or worse start actually killing them with arrows, since not all armors adapt to faction colors), just to be clear.

    Was just pointing out that setting dudes to loose formation while following you makes it almost a non-issue in hideouts. They'll still occasionally walk too close to you as they try to position themselves relative to you but it isn't nearly as bad.

    It is funny when they walk right in front of you as you fire and end up tagging 'em in the noggin though.

    (The reason it happens is because they're trying to get into position, and the AI system can only update where they need to be so often.. Slower than the player can move around and change direction, by necessity. If that was recalculated every frame we'd end up rocking single digit FPS).
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