Recent content by testertesting

  1. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Speaking of actions and improvements, I would appreciate a simple vote for statistics as to what aspect precisely you would deem as in most need of improvement. No more 'advertisements' will follow.,344748.0.html
  2. Core Features & Focused Improvement for Bannerlord (Poll & References)

    Response to @MadVader (spoiler because more or less off-topic):
    MadVader said:
    TL;DR just post your wall of text suggestions and really get it out of your system like everyone else.
    May I then ask why you went through the horrific strain of posting this in the first place? I kindly ask you to either contribute in a manner helpful to the post or - if expressing disinterest and futility towards it - simply overlook it.
    MadVader said:
    Collective guessing what Taleworlds decided? That's as desperate as the BL thread. :smile:
    maximizing the results gained from developer experience in M&B WB and sequels
    Say what?
    Firstly, collectively taking all reasons together one would come to the conclusion that it's not merely 'guessing' but also a comparison between what features would actually be incorporated and what expectations were. I am not trying to alter any behavior of development, but am rather analyzing weather nor not the output will actually be something worth investing in - personally. Furthermore, any lacking aspects would be alterable by mods/ patches thus giving my statistic a quite extensive longevity for choice.

    Secondly, what I mean with the subtitle that you quoted is explained here:
    testertesting said:
    As much as I agree with the fact that SP should still receive a lot of focus I would also mention that multiplayer could use a lot of enhancements. Also, none of the current games even come close to what WB offers, even in mutiplayer. [...] I have yet to see a single-player and multiplayer game of this genre where strategy (teamplay, formations, tactics) actually matter. However we will shorty start seeing rivalries with Meele: Battlegrounds and Kingdome Come, but as far as the leaked videos show concerning these games they'll be simple improvements of M&B, not offering much novelty. Here is where Bannerlord would come in having 5 years of experience in this field and essentially overshadowing all of the other medieval-genre combat games. Even if not the masterpiece we are expecting, I still have faith in Bannerlord to deliver at least a better experience than any other game out there.
    testertesting said:
    Indeed, but considering the first game came out 5 years ago with multiple sequels you'd think someone would draw some experience concerning technicalities thus far. As you said, some have done it more or less. Even Skyrim has managed to implement horse riding quite realistically - and I personally can't stand Skyrim for its gameplay. [...] And even if all these more or less aesthetic things were not to be implemented, at least improve on the combat in the sense of what I talked about a post before: more options, more combinations, more dynamics which would make the game more enjoyable and add that pinch of complexity and possibility of choice and realism that I believe all of us are looking forward to.
  3. Core Features & Focused Improvement for Bannerlord (Poll & References)

    @KuroiNekouPL, thanks for the explanation. I guess it would be a good idea to also rank the aspects if you definitely feel like all of them have to be improved at least with marginal differences. Also, since MP was thought to be more of a general topic, nothing specific, maybe you could provide some insight as to what exactly would you like to have improved specifically on MP?
  4. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 12 - The Passage Of Time

    Having gathered most input and general expectations I posted a poll concerning BL, as a reaction to latest posted combat video which didn't seem to bring much novelty except graphics - what aspect would you find most important to be improved on? A simple vote would help for statistical evidence:

  5. Core Features & Focused Improvement for Bannerlord (Poll & References)

    Core Features & Focused Improvement for M&B II (Bannerlord) - maximizing the results gained from developer experience in M&B WB and sequels - [~3 min read, please read the description of each aspect before voting] ! All poll-aspects are summaries of what is generally asked for most, so even if...
  6. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 12 - The Passage Of Time

    SenorZorros said:
    well... I could try to make a guess... in this source of which I don't know if it's to be trusted it states an infant mortality of 50% to 30%. if we assume this is in the first year we could simply divide 35 years which is a guess for the average age.
    @SenorZorros, could you please elaborate your calculation process? I don't understand what infant mortality rate has to do with the average age and what that number '35' actually stands for. Excuse my eventual confusion.
    This is how I understood it:
    30% to 50% mortality rate is the chance of a person dying within infancy. Dividing 35 by 0.5 would calculate the number of which 50% is 35 (70). Same goes for the division by 0.3, meaning the children who are still alive. However this would make sense if we had an unknown total number of 'test subjects' and we know the number of children that died/lived. I don't see the relevance to the aging process.
  7. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 11 - Some Context

    cherac said:
    Most  Mount and blade players are not really concerned about multiplayer because they know the singleplayer is much fun, that's why there is all this fuss about realism, where I sit in my room and feel like I am in a real medieval world  ,who needs realism in multiplayer? :wink: if you need multiplayer that badly go and try war of the roses and stuff.
    Saying multiplayer doesn't need realism is equal to trying to disarm the need for realism at all. There are multiplayer-specific aspects concerning realism. A quick scan through my posts will show you that I probably am the person most keen on supporting the implementation of realism. When it comes to the debate between single- and multiplayer a quote should clarify my standing point:
    testertesting said:
    Well, considering the SP experience has all the important features [which I mentioned countless times: strategy, dynamics, tactics, freedom of choice] I would hardly see MP failing - on the contrary. As stated previously:
    testertesting said:
    So singleplayer should continue to be the focusing point in my opinion, because if the singeplayer experience is satisfying so will the multiplayer. In other words, singeplayer would engulf multiplayer - not vice-versa.
    But let's not talk about focusing on either one of the modes, but rather what each mode should be expected to have (best-case scenario of course). A lot has been talked about generally [myself included] such as combat mechanics and real-time tactics, strategies which apply to both multiplayer and singeplayer. So everything that has been discussed regarding a perfection of the battlemap itself can be considered generally available for both multiplayer and singeplayer.
    And of course, singleplayer can only reach a certain level before it gets 'redundant' (not to say boring). Having real people who implement real strategies in real-time playing with and/or against one is definitely a spice-up for this genre - I would even say a necessity. The question I was trying to raise was not weather realism should be the absolute main point (it should, I talked about that ever since) or weather singleplayer should be the focusing point or not (it should), but how far one is willing to take the multiplayer experience - which is not to be set aside. Now that I think of it, MP is starting to seem like one of the more important aspects of Bannerlord. After all, people are what makes an experience worthy of experiencing. So, if you wish to contribute then please respond to the topic at hand.

    As far as other games of this genre go:
    testertesting said:
    Also, none of the current games even come close to what WB offers, even in mutiplayer. Chivalry and War of Roses are simple hack&slash games, not much strategy nor teamplay come at hand, just player skill and awareness. I have yet to see a single-player and multiplayer game of this genre where strategy (teamplay, formations, tactics) actually matter. However we will shorty start seeing rivalries with Meele: Battlegrounds and Kingdome Come, but as far as the leaked videos show concerning these games they'll be simple improvements of M&B, not offering much novelty. Here is where Bannerlord would come in having 5 years of experience in this field and essentially overshadowing all of the other medieval-genre combat games. Even if not the masterpiece we are expecting, I still have faith in Bannerlord to deliver at least a better experience than any other game out there.
  8. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 11 - Some Context

    I'm pretty sure I missed this topic being discussed, so I would kindly ask if there is any info on a feature supporting multiplayer both on the campaign map and on the field per-say. It might actually be simpler than at a first glance: the players would engage within a map, especially made for multiplayer - or a section of the original map, or the whole map depending on the preferences and number of players - and simply engage in actions with one-another just as in singleplayer, but of course with much more options regarding diplomacy. This system would be crucial in multiplayer, giving each character the ability to send messengers containing any kind of message to any of the other characters.

    More options should be implemented within such a system such as the ability to respond, intercept, kill the messenger etc. - allowing for a far larger range of interaction possibilities. The fact that these are between real players would make everything even a little 'easier' on the system, hence truces and alliances would be kept by the player themselves, allowing for them to be broken at will.

    Two main problems would arise in such a multiplayer system though:
    1. The overall time of a game.
    2. The discrepancy between real-time fighting and the campaign-map time.

    These could be quite easily overcome by simply twisting firstly a few starting status options and secondly some time-passing settings:
    1. To decrease the time needed for a game to complete (which in single-player could last forever) each game should have customizable settings consisting starting options - similar to the Total War Series - where, within a consensus regarding a money frame, each player is able to invest within their belongings: be it army (troops), defense (castles and fortresses), economy (villages and trade) etc.
    2. An overall goal to be achieved - realistic within the thought-of time period needed for a game to finish - such as the first to have a number of castles, the first to reach a certain wealth, the first to conquer a certain kingdom (be it NPC or player, who would initially have more wealth than all other players combined in order to stimulate alliances) or even a time limit to the game.
    3. The real-time battles vs. campaign time: a simple fix would be simply slowing down the time passing within the campaign map and increasing the time passing on field. The effect would not be slower travel necessarily on the campaign map, but a longer period needed to reach the battle itself: for example there is a battle going on between two characters. One of them sends for help from an ally (real players). This ally can choose to rush to the battle and as they rush to it the battle of course continues between the two players normally. Once the ally has reached the battle, they would enter the battle field, but with an increased range/distance from the main battle. They would have to march all the way in oder to help. Of course, large maps would be an important aspect here, which I don't know how realistic would be. In this case a time limit (up to a few minutes) until one is able to actually join the battle would be thinkable. Within this time the character could take care of something else, eg. send out orders through messengers.

    A simpler way would be the ability for the ally to send troops by themselves to help out. These troops would be put under the command of the one who needs support upon arrival and then return automatically when the battle is over.

    4. Multiple fights at the same time: this could cause a problem. What if one player is engaged within a fight and has their castle attacked at the same time. Simple: the attacked partition would be just as is in the current system led by AI. However, the player should be able to implement a certain algorithm or strategy regarding reactions upon being attacked. For example one could have to option to play as defensive as possible, as in, NPCs run away in the castles and try to engage as little in hand to hand, or extremely offensive, as in, cavalry would go around the fortress, through the back, and attack while the archers and infantry stay inside.

    5. Roles. Meaning of course one can choose to start as a nomad, as a barbarian, thief or lord etc.

    Of course, if the main character dies within a battle, they are out of the game - alternative options are thinkable.

    RECAP - it's simper than it seems:
    How to implement multiplayer campaign games with real-time battlefields?
    1. Each player has a money limit to choose their starting conditions.
    2. Large range of overall goals (similar to Heroes of Might and Magic) to choose from.
    3. Smaller or maps made especially for multiplayer.
    4. Algorithmic programing (if...then statements) of AI troops.
    5. Time overall equal during campaign and battles (slower for campaign, faster for battles in the sense of a day passing).
    6. Adjusting of distance upon joining a battle.

    It's not perfect, but definitely better than nothing.
  9. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 11 - Some Context

    Having looked over the released video teaser (again) I remembered another extremely important aspect which I find of essence: realistic ranks or orderly formation reactions. What I mean by this is a system that will overhaul the current order system regarding positioning. What we currently have concerning leading the soldiers is: 1. Follow (in a straight line, next to the character) 2. Attack (which would mean them rushing the shortest line towards the radar-like located enemies) and 3. Stay. In none of these (except 1 to a certain extend) are ranks followed, meaning that the main character (could be the player, could be an NPC acting as commander and the player being a simple soldier as is possible in Brytenwalda) has to have a decent reaction from soldiers: if they move through the lines, soldiers should move apart, letting the commander get through. This is of extreme importance in crowded areas, such as sieges - which are a dread having to wait behind soldiers or being stuck, even though one is the commander. A viable solution would be placement holding and placement replacing (as was realistically, historically the case): only a few soldiers occupy the leading positions (for example the archer positions on walls) and only if these die they get replaced by other soldiers waiting on the ground - instead of all of them rushing on the wall and crowding it to its maximum thus causing inefficiency of movement and accuracy. Essentially this point can be resumed in (much) more efficient movement, coordination and command choices.

    I mentioned some aspects of the sort quite detailed a few months ago:
    testertesting said:
    Firstly, the contact physics and behavior should definitely be revised: what we currently have is the player bumping into characters and these moving a little bit forwards or to the side as the player keeps walking in that direction. This also applies for when characters make contact with the player, the player would get pushed to the side a little. This could be replaced by a mild friendly-fire action [which wouldn't cause damage] such as if one character runs into another [friendly or foe] without engaging in an attacking or pushing action [pushing with the hands, or the shoulder such as ramming without a shield], then the passive character [that is the one being contacted by the other, not the one sprinting] would engage in an animation proportional with the direction the character was contacted from and the speed of this bump such as bowing a bit forward, or being pushed a little to the side similar to a person who have lost their balance for a bit. This would not startle the passive character, they would still be able to continue doing their thing such as running or swinging their weapon, the only difference would be that they would lose balance for a split second. Of course this would be combined with a variety of actions: from a simple walking bump to a full on sprint collision on another stationary character. The stationary character would rock forward making a few running-like steps in order to regain balance, while the runner would be startled for a while with an appropriate animation. To illustrate:
    here is a video of a robot losing balance and regaining it without its forward movement actually incapacitating it. Of course, in-game this would be applied to a humanoid skeleton and on a much much smaller scale when it comes to man-man [especially friendly-friendly] contact.
    What would be further thinkable is a stable stance, such as if one character is crouching statically and someone else sprints into them [without ramming], they would have less impact - with prone, not much at all.

    It is important to take in account here the behavior of mass soldiers, such as when there's a lot of them crowding a small entrance or when there's a massive clash between two masses. One wouldn't simply run forwards pushing their teammates in order to get to the front line - although such a behavior would be realistic and should consist in the players themselves choosing in the engagement of discipline. In SP the bots would know how to act presumably.

    Secondly, we would have a formation system. Currently if the player sets in formation with other players around them [multiplayer mostly, also singleplayer] for example a hedgehog formation or a phalanx, it is extremely hard to calculate the positions visually while keeping the weapon fixed and moving while keeping this formation. To actually make such formations do-able, hence they had a great impact historically and thus would be of importance, the game could implement a system that would project on the ground the positions which the players have to take in order to be in such a formation. For example say a spear unit [a phalanx] in a multiplayer game is led by a commander. This commander would order its troops to form up in a phalanx formation to engage charging enemies. Every soldier in that unit would set their formation system for 'phalanx' from a drop-down list [for example pressing a button and choosing what formation they want]. The game mechanism would calculate the number of troops in that specific group [the spear group, let's call it - groups would be predefined by players] and project on the ground - regarding the position of each player - a highlighted area which has to be taken up in order to make this phalanx. This from should be relative to the commander's position. The commander would then instruct the movement of the unit, while the highlighted area in the shape of the formation would follow the commander. The soldiers indivually would be free to move around, if for example they need to engage enemies to the sides. Of course such a formation would have to move slowly across the map in order to work well, which is quite realistic. Such formations would be different for units: a cavalry unit won't do much if they choose to project a hedgehog formation for example. Also some fine-tuning of weapon features would be needed here such as propping a very long spear against the ground and holding the sharp end upwards and moving it around like that while static of course. Such a spear would deliver its highest efficiency rate while static propped in the ground and moved in all directions as such.

    Thirdly and lastly we could mention a tactical overview of the battlemap in real time, that only the general would have access to and command its commanders accordingly, but I think this would be quite unrealistic. However, this general could have a small company of elite units and ride around the battlefield and give orders around on such a tactical overview of the battlemap but only concerning friendlies, in other words he wouldn't see the location of enemies or of friendlies but he would be able to give commands such as charge, attack, defend, hide etc.etc.

    This last point isn't as important but the first two, especially the second I find would make quite for the extreme experience.
  10. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 11 - Some Context

    KhergitLancer80 said:
    I think people shouldn't worry about multiple hits by one swing.Taleworls is aiming to make the most realistic combat system so I think it won't be like cheap games where you can swing your sword through somebody and that somebody still don't die but a -5 mark appears on him.I thing it will be like when the enemy can  just reach your sword's range as you swing it, only the end of your sword will reach and wound or kill him and your sword will be able to continue but if he is closer to you than your range as you swing it mid of your sword will hit him and your sword will not be able to continue to hit another enemy.

    By the way it would be very cool if you could chop.enemys of and maybe if you maxed the strength in singleplayer you can cut people to two or if you manage to hit enemys throat with your sword a lot of blood will be dropped and enemy will try to keep his cutted throat miserably  for a few second before dying unless you don't hit him again.
    Yes, let's hope you are right. Again this was one of the first points I mentioned upon joining, maybe you can give more insight of yours regarding the discussion below in order to progress it?
    testertesting said:
    15. Realistic injury and reaction
    For example cutting a leg off, an arm etc. Also one single thrust could instantly kill. In this sense the 'health' bar is completely unrealistic hence if in an actual duel all it would take is one blow to die. As an addition one could think of something like struggle. For example if someone got their arm cut off they will probably be able to fight like 5 more seconds then just fall down and moan and twitch and move around while bleeding to death. Also crawling with last breath, death twitches etc. [also for horses and animals].
    DanAngleland said:
    Realistic injury and reaction is another interesting one. What grabbed me was the mention of the health bar system being unrealistic. A more realistic system would allow for many minor wounds, such as arrows losing almost all of their momentum after breaking through mail, but still causing the recipient to recoil (as they already do in M&B and Warband). On the other hand a single hard thrust from close range, driven deep into the torso of an unarmoured soldier, would be instantly lethal or at least instantly incapacitate them.
    Johan_Stormcloak said:
    I actually mentioned this a little while ago in the Bannerlord thread, and think that it would be a really cool feature. Maybe different hits in different areas would affect the player in certain things. Like if they are shot in the leg they would start to limp, or if hit in the arm, maybe they would deal less damage. It could also work for horses if they're shot in the leg, they might slow down or maybe fall forward.
    Of course, all of this while taking in account the (very important) armor factor:

    testertesting said:
    The armor battering would be a nice implementation - if not as complex as I suggested at least it should exist locally. That means that the armor will break if say an incredibly muscular soldiers throws an axe at full power in the back of a plated knight - at least visually. It is also extremely annoying to see a sharp sword doing blunt damage: would a sharp sword hit the unarmored or lightly armored arm of an enemy (or any body part for that matter) it would cut it off (or do the appropriate cutting damage). How is this relevant to armor battering? Well firstly, a 'sharpness' level of a weapon would have to be implemented (thinkable) and secondly such cuts or blunt hits would have together with the swing momentum and strength (and ricochet action) a certain unique impact on armor: it is extremely unrealistic and annoying to watch as one character thrusts their longsword in the heavily plated (or one-piece) waist armor of its enemy and killing them. Plus even the sound which resembles flesh being cut makes for even more annoyance. The armor has to be a different entity altogether: at least seeing some sparks that cut the surface of the armor piece and hearing the according sound should be implemented. Thus a heavily-armored soldier would not suffer almost any direct damage: rather just being knocked over and then battered at (while on the ground) until the armor breaks and the soldier killed or if the characters could engage in an action such as taking the helmet off their opponent and killing them as such. Armor is a very important topic, much more than simply changing the skin of the soldiers and a few numbers related to the healthbar and stamina.
  11. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 11 - Some Context

    Regarding First person:

    NightHawkreal said:
    First-person view is very far from realism. It's like a man wearing blinders.
    Not further than 3rd person, may I add. It adds an enormous amount of realism as far as I'm concerned, even if the current first-person viewpoint can be improved. How? Mainly due to the fact that a view impediment (such as the first person view, especially compared with 3rd person which offers unrealistic vantage points, like seeing behind a corner) plays a very important role in battlefield immersion: one is and cannot be aware 360o around oneself. The need to constantly look around, watch one's back etc. is something which I find of absolute essence within a combat simulator. It is a skill factor - a major, if not the most important one: spatial awareness.

    What we currently have is still to date one of the best first-person views and offers the best perspective mechanics I have seen, mainly also because of its simplicity: the head of the character gets replaced by the camera - everything else stays the same: the mechanics and animations should reach the level (which they have to a certain extent) that simply placing the viewpoint should be enough - no major different tweaks for first person views.

    Indeed, what @DanAngleland states is true, as far as off-screen weapon readying goes.
    DanAngleland said:
    I don't think that would be a popular choice unless first person was improved with a greater field of view. First person has always been a favourite of mine but a lot of the time, especially in multiplayer, I need to use third person for melee to be fully aware of what my opponent is doing (and what swing I have readied; sometimes I make a mistake and don't realise it until I start the swing because the weapon is held off screen).
    However, the field of view should not be exaggerated but ought to give more awareness of the character itself. It is possible to see what direction one is hitting from using 1st person in M&B by looking downwards and seeing the wrist and arm positions.

    Regarding Multiple Hits:
    cherac said:
    Imagine two people standing in front of me If I swing my sword and they are within range of the tip it would basically cut or slash whatever is in its way. So with the right momentum I should be able to cut more than two heads with one swing.It makes perfect sense.Even a javelin should pierce two people if the are close enough but that would be too much realism and gamers might complain.
    I raised this issue in one of my first posts. As reference, it might be of help continuing the discussion and your ideas upon it:
    testertesting said:
    4. Multiple hits
    In M&B one can only hit one enemy at the time even if the animations [the blade] goes through multiple enemies. This has to be changed for example a huge axe swing would deffinetely be able to kill a few enemies (if off their guard) at once.
    DanAngleland said:
    Regarding multiple hits, I don't think that is at all realistic I'm afraid. A weapon might skid off a shield or suit of armour and strike a second man, but anything more than a glancing blow will not have significant momentum after biting into the first body in most circumstances. Also; if, as is likely, you landed the blow with the end of the weapon (which is preferable both for the distance it keeps you from the enemy's weapon and because it imparts the greatest force against the target) the trajectory of the blade could only carry it into further men if they were huddled around you in a semi-circle.
    testertesting said:
    Concerning the multiple hits, why would it be so unrealistic? Of course, I don't mean it in the sense of one swing killing or hitting 5 enemies around the character. I'm all for realism. So think of a situation where the character has a very long phalanx-spear fighting against a massive amount of low-class meele soldiers with no armor [peasant rebellion for instance]: the character could easily thrust their spear through one enemy which would proceed into impaling say 3 more if they're standing in a group or charging.
    Of course multiple hits is realistic to a certain extend. The actual debate should be as to what happens to a stuck weapon, such as a spear or axe or even sword? My solution would be a time-consuming animation that would require the character to try and get it out (also applicable for materials such as wood, trees, ground etc.), which would be stoppable at any moment by will - hence the vulnerability.
  12. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 11 - Some Context

    1. Would I find any support upon suggesting the implementation of a first-person-only view multiplayer experience? I think it's quite important to focus on this point due to realism and immersion.

    2. Also smoother and more realistic turning paces would be an interesting point, instead of the the extremely rotator-like torque of the characters that we see in mostly all first-person videogames and which unfortunately we seem to have in bannerlord as well.

    Might be neglectable aspects in some genres, but when talking about combat simulations (in a sense that's what M&B is), apparently trivial details as such come into consideration.
  13. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Bloc said:
    Meanwhile in Ubisoft ;

    DanAngleland said:
    I think it looks like a boring interactive movie, but this isn't the place to discuss other games, that is what the....Other Games board is for (in Off Topic).
    Yes, I completely agree. Too much visual computer input: flashy characters, colored player locations, third-person mode etc. - also to little control over character attacks and that scene where the main character simply kills around 4 enemies by himself while those are all bunched up around him is not only highly unrealistic but also extremely unpleasantly automatic. Gives the impression of a simple hack-and-slash game with a pinch of combat strategy trial - actually, that's what it is: a redo of assassin's creed style combat.

    However, what really got my attention was the hammering sword, in the sense that the character undergoes an animation where they grab the sword by the blade and use the side-guards to deal lethal damage. Extremely interesting, but too bad that it's automated - doesn't seem like one can control what type of attack they are dealing. Let's hope our much supported team learns from such third-party trials.
  14. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Lumos said:
    ... what banner selection UI?
    And he calls himself a 'Grandmaster Knight'. :smile:

    In light of the recent Q&A (8th June), I must state that I personally am all for waiting, as long as something good comes out of it. However, from the looks of it, Bannerlord is too focused on keeping a lot of elements from M&B. That's not bad - on the contrary -, but considering the circumstances, that phase of renewal should have at least been an exhausted subject of debate, let alone for the development concerning it to have finished. M&B is an unfinished blueprint and there should be more focus on the addition that Bannerlord brings - not on what it retains from its prequels. There is a humongous diversity in features suggested and an enormous range of aspects needed in order to provide solely the foundation of what could be described as a realistic, highly-detailed (not in the sense of graphics but in the sense of mechanics), option-rich and last but definitely not least a modern, entertaining experience.
  15. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    jacobhinds said:
    If a player starts half swording anywhere else, the other player can just backpedal and make use of superior range before the half sworder can react. It's like what happens when 2h sword meets 1h sword on a deathmatch server.
    If other elements are implemented [which I have talked about numerous times] such as charging (sprint-attacking, sprint-pushing, sprint-thrusting etc.), sliding, leaning (in the sense of dodging), crouching, jumping, climbing - and all combinations between them -, if superior tactics and a larger range of attacks are implemented, be it short swings, long swings, quick thrusts, long thrusts (and much more are thinkable), unrealistic issues such as back-paddling, static jumps and attack spamming would be resolved - not through specific bug patches which include unrealistic 'cool down' times or other aspects as such, but through the immersive realism and complexity which offers both duelers an immense range of options.

    In this context, I must say that I personally wish for the game to gain in complexity - the more the better. Not sharing @hoe12moe's opinion on this one:
    hoe12moe said:
    I hope they keep it simple  :oops:

    The Mighty McLovin said:
    Would it even hurt if you got swinged by a sword wearing this armour? It must of took hours for someone to die. :smile:
    redwood36 said:
    Of course not, that's why military techniques focused on either piercing the armor (the primary reason for half-swording), using hammers/maces, grappling, or aiming at openings in armor. A sword is a pretty poor weapon to use in that particular circumstance.
    Yes and no. Yes, because armor is an extremely important, vital part of medieval combat which really made the whole difference on the battlefield. A strong piece of armor can indeed make the wearer immune to mostly any hits. No, because armor duels are not a simple hack and slash event where the duelers simply hit each other until a piece of armor cracks. In fact, most hand-to-hand combats where both sides wear heavy armor end in a ground brawl where blunt force makes all the difference. A sword is not such a bad idea in this context, because it can bring a tremendous blow if impacted at full speed on the opponents body.

    For instance, in the video below you will see what a devastating impact pure blunt force can have - nomatter how hard and impenetrable the armor:

    In the same documentary, a few minutes before, we can see weapons specifically made for use against armor. These include small, bashing weaponry peaces made for blunt hits and/or for sticking them in vulnerable holes in armor pieces, once the enemy is incapacitated. At that point, the armor can also be taken off and the opponent executed.

    'Hour-long' duels didn't really exist mostly because of the fatigue. Long duels could be thinkable in noblemen or arena-type duels with 1 on 1 fights between fully armored opponents. Of course, cutting damage is as good as non-existent. @Urban_Viking's made a point concerning half-swording and multifunction in weapons, which can be applied in this context. Like mentioned earlier, I'm all for 'the more the merrier'.

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