Recent content by moscaflaca

  1. moscaflaca

    Workshops should say expected profits

    I dont want that, i do look forward to though, when the missing conversation option comes into the game, where you can ask people about whats trading well and not, so you can figure it out by asking around.

    no way, that's too tedious. im a high ranking noble of the realm. my accountant can figure that out for me and tell me what's worth while. that's what i pay him for!
  2. moscaflaca

    Workshops should say expected profits

    In Warband, when you decided to buy a workshop, the guildmaster would tell you the expected profit. Bannerlord NEEDS this! Please bring it back! It would be nice to also know the expected profits if you wanted to change what your workshop produces. Please bring back expected profit!!
  3. moscaflaca

    I miss the old character stats

    I miss the way skills were upgraded in Warband. In Bannerlord, once you reach about level 15, leveling up seems to take forever, and you have to use skills that you didn't really intend on speccing into to get more skill points in something completely unrelated. Why do I have to train my trade...
  4. moscaflaca

    forced not to kill generals

    In warband I would keep my prison full of enemy lords I was at war with. I wouldn't execute them, but I'd never accept ransom offers. Once the war ended they'd all be released anyway. I was hoping to do this when I started playing bannerlord and got my first castle.


    I put him in prison and he was gone 2 days later.

    So I started executing all the lords I could because there was no other way to deal with them.
  5. moscaflaca

    Level 75 Athletics- Dexterous ?

    shameless self bump
  6. moscaflaca

    Caravans are too weak

    i'm just confused by who wanted caravan income nerfed to begin with? yeah its kind of rediculous if you have like 5-10 caravans, but at that point you have 0 companions to use in your army due to companion limit. if there is going to be a companion limit and companions have to run caravans, the income from caravans NEEDS to be good! because youre limited to only a few caravans anyway. alternatively, if you're allowed to have as many companions (and as many caravans as you want) i can understand the income being reduced, but i still don't think they need to be as vulnerable as they are now.
  7. moscaflaca

    Level 75 Athletics- Dexterous ?

    The perk dexterous says +3% movement speed. Is this movement speed increase only when on foot, or is it on horse and on foot? Or is it on campaign map as well as in battle map? Please answer
  8. moscaflaca

    Caravans are too weak

    I pay a lot of money for a single caravan and they get killed by bandits constantly. The party members keep deserting. I need caravans to sustain my army. I can't afford my troops without caravans. Please restore caravans or simply lower the profit you earn from them, but please don't make them...
  9. moscaflaca

    Caravan Deserters

    needs to be how it used to be. caravans are way too vulnerable. its hard to maintain a big army without caravans.
  10. moscaflaca

    Crossbow Cavalry perk doesn't work

    yeah i wanted to make a crossbow character cuz my previous guy was a bowman. waste of time.. now im getting my bow up.
  11. moscaflaca

    Crossbow Cavalry perk doesn't work

    The perk Crossbow Cavalry, which says will allow the player to reload any crossbow from horseback does not work. You simply can not even start reloading the crossbow after shooting it while on horseback. Please fix :(
  12. moscaflaca

    Do quests give XP rewards?

    I don't think they do but I think they should. Any thoughts?
  13. moscaflaca

    Raising reputation with villagers/notables

    I think there should be an option to raise your reputation with notables by simply bribing them. In Viking Conquest in order to recruit at a village you either needed + relation with the village elder or permission from the lord of the village. I think in Bannerlord bribing notables to increase...
  14. moscaflaca

    Defensive sieges don't feel worth fighting

    Every time a friendly castle is under siege I lose half my army just trying to get into the castle to defend it. The enemy already massively outnumbers the castle defenders. It feels like there is no reason to even try. Atleast in Warband you had the possibility of winning a siege where you were...
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