Recent content by flametanker

  1. Resolved [BUG] when noble in party army creations changes your party's direction and such.

    Hello, thanks for reporting this problem. Unfortunately, we were unable to respond to this thread when it was first created. We believe the issue may have been resolved since the creation of this topic. If you are currently experiencing this issue with the latest live or beta versions of the game, please update this thread so we can forward this issue to the team for investigation.
    I dont know, ı am not playing the game currently. Decided to wait until game feels like anew. İt might be solved though there were other threads which tells this same issue and they were marked as solved so dont know you decide to mark it as solved or wait untill I replay the game. I will update this thread if I ever play agein
  2. Resolved e1.0.8 Crash when upgrading cavalry troops

    Hello, thanks for reporting this problem. Unfortunately, we were unable to respond to this thread when it was first created. We believe the issue may have been resolved since the creation of this topic. If you are currently experiencing this issue with the latest live or beta versions of the game, please update this thread so we can forward this issue to the team for investigation.
    Nope definitely not experiencing it right now, you can mark this as solved
  3. On Rebellions

    I wonder if player could start a rebellion with a quest and take over that settlement himself/herself in future ....
  4. Need More Info [e1.3.0.227640] Party always starts marching towards a newly created army

    As the asked information was not provided within 2 weeks, this thread is marked as solved. If the issue still continues, please update this thread.
    İn my new playthrough ı didn't come across this issue but my wife is governing right now let at least me to check if the problem persist or not before you mark it solved, I will return to this thread within 2 days promise
  5. Statement regarding Plans for Singleplayer and Engine II

    I'm looking into solutions for this that will also not complicate things on the backend.
    Yeah when is the next patch :smile:
  6. SP - General [Suggestion] removing the negative effect of ''being'' raided

    He mentioned in the last thread about this that those were coming.
    which thread ??? a link pls
  7. SP - General [Suggestion] removing the negative effect of ''being'' raided

    I though this was a bug, Stil think it is . because one lord I talked sad "lageta is my town take care when you raid its villages " (something like that)while it was my own town and I own the villages. here is the link to bug report @mexxico , I uploaded the images showing these on the bug report thread
  8. SP - General a short step ageinst snowballing. non-egrassion pacts and times of peace

    okay did some research on my playthrough, turns out it isn't 1-2-3 day more like 10-20-30 day between wars. looks like there is not any bug.
    if there is a need to explain any thing, take 90 day interval. first day, war with vlandia , at 30th day war with khuzaits , 10 days after peace with vlandia ,(at 40th day) , 60th day peace with khuzaits , 10 days of full peace ,at 70th day war with vlandia agein. thats what happened probably
    code sould be working for my playthrough but still my suggestion persists. after full peace with everyone after peace declaration with khuzait 10 days after (my guess) we go war with valandia while we didnt recover from last war from khuzaits. @Apocal @Tryvenyal
    sorry for making unnecessary attention. I just felt like it was 2 or more days between wars.
    and sorry for my bad english but you should understand my point :grin:
  9. SP - General a short step ageinst snowballing. non-egrassion pacts and times of peace

    Did you keep a save game of this? Because this is a bugged situation -- the Khuzaits going back to war with you on the third day after peacing out with them. There is a 20 day truce period after peace as of 1.5.5:

    It has been in place for awhile now so it should be on 1.5.4 as well, but I don't have the main branch installed right now so I can't be 100% sure. At any rate, bug report it and include your save game because it is definitely behavior that the devs have been trying to prevent for awhile now.
    I have the different saves from just after the peace decleration and decleration of war. then I will open a thread for this but how am I going to include save file to a thread. how did you even post any image :,D
  10. Statement regarding Plans for Singleplayer and Engine II

    Player Clan Party AI directives
    I really really want to know details about this especially if our other parties resolve issius for us and making relations with notables at viallages and towns @Duh_TaleWorlds pls answer
  11. SP - General a short step ageinst snowballing. non-egrassion pacts and times of peace

    Non- aggression and/or defesive alliances. And above all.. Truce, after a peace!
    Exactly, İ know they are planning deeper solutions for snowballing, like rebellion feature, thinking about alliance thing, my exact point is truce like mechanics should be in game just because we could do other things then battle
  12. SP - General a short step ageinst snowballing. non-egrassion pacts and times of peace

    let me tell you my story my name is faruun (inspired by for honor player and streamer faraam). ı am from battania. bla bla blaI. I pledge my loyalty to caladog and become a vassal of battanians. after some time of war with western empire and me getting upper ranks in kingdom ı have managed to...
  13. SP - Battles & Sieges suggestion: charging specific formations

    a simple command line like "charge to" near "charge" order like "f1-f4" and then one more button (sorry but we realy need it) to choose formation for example "3-f1-f4-4" means cav charges to horse archers only or "1-f1-f4-1" means infantry charges to infantry ooor one more "2-f1-f4-2"means...
  14. SP - Battles & Sieges Suggestion: Additional Battle Commands for sieges

    simple suggestion , thumbs up for you +1.
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