Recent content by Da_mambo

  1. Da_mambo

    Main mission: Dun taruo

    Seriously now im just so pissed off...

    I cant get any of kingdom albas generals captured and when i defeat them it takes like four days and they have another five hundred guys attacking me.
    The kingdom of north what ever is just horrible and they are losing the damn war and the lord of the dun taruo won't give no troops at all to the garrison and i just can't get enough defenders in there.

    I'm so annoyed that i can't move on the mission because of this mission.
  2. Da_mambo

    Main mission: Dun taruo

    Well yeah that could work if just can get their generals caught. 

    But i also use those Norweigan Viking bandits but if you like to use stamina on as i do then they get tired pretty fast and then they do way less damage.

    By the way is anyone else getting reinforcements in land battles? I just get in the beginning and so do the enemy but after that i don't is this supposed to be?
  3. Da_mambo

    Main mission: Dun taruo

    Okay so im stuck in mission where i need to capture settlement dun taruo and hold it thirty days. So theres no problem taking it (i have 200 troops army) but really holding it thirty days?! So im far from my kingdom and i cant recruit any new units around there (im pagan, everybody hates me)...
  4. Da_mambo

    Mount&Blade-kysymykset sekä muu tilpehööri

    Ongelmana m&b warbandissä ja sen modeissa on ilmentynyt alhainen fps.... 
    Eli kone on pelikannettava jossa on gtx 765m näytönohjain jonka todellakin pitäisi pyörittää peliä hyvin.

    Pelissä siis alhainen fps varsinkin napoleonic warsissa. Ja peli kaatuilee isommissa kahakoissa.
    Koneen lämmöt pysyvät kuitenkin alhaisena ettei mitään rasitusta ainakaan ole.

    Voiko ongelma johtua näytönohjaimen ajurien päivityksestä ( olen lukenut että tämmöisestä voi johtua ) tai jotenkin pelistä jota kyllä epäilen koska toimii steamin kautta olen kokeillut uudelleen lataamista.

    Esim. kone pyöritää rome total war 2:sta hyvin ja se peli painii kuitenkin ihan eri sarjassa.

    Toivottavasti jollain olisi jokin selitys tälle.
  5. Da_mambo

    Server problem

    Hi. So I don't know why I can't find any servers. I have 64 bit computer and everything works fine but when I try to play it just doesn't show servers. Sometimes when I but Internet as a source it just says ¨Unable to connect server¨ or something like that. Did I do something wrong :?: :|
  6. Da_mambo

    Bug Reports: 1.6 (Alpha)

    I'm having now like 100 horses and they follow all my commands expect one... the most important CHARGE.  When i give them order to charge they just stop, maybe like 10 horses charge but others do nothing. Help!?
  7. Da_mambo

    Bug Reports: 1.6 (Alpha)


    Im having this 1.6 alpha version and having these problems, i don't know is it just a bug or what.

    Sometimes when i or someone else hit with a weapon it makes some kind of scale.
    And sometimes mine or someones weapon just disappears for sometime.

    I would put picture in here but i don't know how

    An by the way, i haven't had these thinks before. Before i downloaded this i played version 1.25 :smile: worked well
  8. Da_mambo


    well i failed first time as well put i got help from the rhodoks  :mrgreen:
    but yu need good army to get them defeadet
  9. Da_mambo

    Guide for the branch line quests

    yeahh.. thanks :oops:
  10. Da_mambo

    Guide for the branch line quests

    So... to get seacret scroll you need to get in to castle. Well perhaps im just stupid but what castle does it mean. Is it the island where i found the mirror of truth even i didnt found anything when i looked there.
  11. Da_mambo

    Mainlain guest

    Its at the left when you enter the village. Its really close where the map ends behind on mountain and theres like 2-3 trees and 2 rocks.
  12. Da_mambo

    Mainlain guest

    dont answer i have the answer already
  13. Da_mambo

    Mainlain guest

    In mainlain guest i talk to tavern keeper who tells about village ehlerdah. well the i went in there but i cant find the entrance. Help!
  14. Da_mambo

    The Golden Musket - Regimental Tournament

    I watchet the rules and i didnt saw about no crouching and why it should be not allowed?
  15. Da_mambo

    The Golden Musket - Regimental Tournament

    Or maybe we should make rematch and everyone read rules.Then there should be not any disagreement,even i think we didnt make nothing wrong.
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