Recent content by burspa

  1. Warband Script Enhancer 2 (v1.1.2.0)

    Oh wow the greater than 16 skins fix works! Thanks so much this will be a real game changer
  2. [WB] Warband Script Enhancer v4.9.5 for 1.174

    Oh my mistake is it wse2 only?
  3. [WB] Warband Script Enhancer v4.9.5 for 1.174

    Hi K700,
    I tried your greater than 16 skin fix.

    My results were that when I set
    troop_set_type > 15
    The troop defaults to one of the first 3 skins, male, female and skeleton. Tried numbers 16,17,18,30

    I've confirmed my skins.txt has the additional skins
    Do you think perhaps the troop_set_type function has a clamp when greater than 16?
    Have you confirmed greater than 16 skins have worked for you outside the default 3?

    Love your work
  4. B Tutorial Shader Ghosts and Shaders

    Tutorial as Word file Needed data: Warsword Ghost Pack Additional readings: How to add custom shaders to the Warsword...
  5. Could someone please explain to me how to properly make a new hair model?

    I find hair really difficult. Its like a topic in itself.
    Here's a few buzz words:
    Alpha blending: Depending on the style you'll probably want to have alpha cut out at the end of the hair strand instead of geometry.
    Hair Cards/sheets: They are different shaped planes that can be repeated and overlapped to give the appearance of hair. 

    There's already a tonne of info floating around on the topic. A good resource is here:
    In particular the uncharted 2 model is in my opinion a great study.

    For warband application. Just grab the hair texture and start playing around with laying your planes and uvs out on the texture.
  6. Particle Problem

    Nps, yeah its not very well documented
  7. Textures For added Armor And shields not showing up

    Oh cool, do you know what version fixes the bug? In older versions hd textures overwrite mod textures, so lets say you changed background2 the overwrite order would be, native -> mod -> hdtextures.

    My thinking was to make sure this wasn't a factor before diving into other options.
    Seems kinda silly thinking now tho, as that would assume he had replaced the native weapon textures or something rather than adding his own.
  8. Particle Problem

    #num particles is per second(I think it's slightly faster to for add new? Untested). So particle_system_add_new will spawn a whole bunch as you found out.

    You can use particle_system_burst (particle_system_burst, "psys_", pos, 1), <- this last number is the total amount of particles to spawn. In this case 1.

    Ok so now say you wanted to work out how to make an effect last 3 seconds.
    If your particle system #num parrticles is 2 per second, then bursting (particle_system_burst, "psys_", pos, 6). 6 total particles will take 3 seconds to end.

    Hope that makes sense
  9. Textures For added Armor And shields not showing up

    Hmmm replacement for native textures not working?
    Do you have HD textures(in root warband folder) installed by chance?
    If so delete the folder.
  10. Substance painter exporting options

    Ok, well I'm not 100% what you want to change, so I'll just start firing random info at ya.

    Substance painter is mainly designed for generating maps for pbr shaders. Warband does not have pbr shaders so depending on what shader you apply to the material is warband will determine your textures.

    From your export settings it seems you'd like to use a diffuse, spec and normal map. so your shader in warband will be specular_shader_skin_bump_high.

    In substance I like to limit my channels to base color, specular, normal and opacity. Then change the substance shader to non_pbr. This will get show your model in substance as close as possible to what it'll look like in warband. (Tho it will still look different).

    Most of the materials in substance are made for a pbr setup, so will look weird in a non pbr warband mode.
    It looks like your diffuse and normal are going to be ok, so you just need to generate a better specular map to get that shiny look.

    Direct x for normal map is correct.

    So then the output
    Diffuse = base color rgb + opacity a
    Specular = Specular gray
    Normal = direct x normal rgb

    Hope that helps, maybe try generating your textures outside of substance first to gain a better understanding.
  11. Substance painter exporting options

    Need more info, like what are your input maps?
    Are you working with base color, normal, spec channels?
    You exporting open_gl normal map?

    What shader you using in openbrf?
    What do your exported textures look like?

  12. SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    Thats interesting about the smoke particles, I will look at reducing the amount.
    @Kushana- That is the hair bug from native. Your save will corrupt and the hair and faces of the lords will be wrong. Dont know of any fix once it happens, so you have to be mindful of it and load old saves if it occurs.
  13. SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    You need to use wse to load the game. Follow instructions in documentation folder
  14. Modding Q&A [For Quick Questions and Answers]

    Needed for mods where particles are used to limit your vision -- for example, by smoke from muskets or by fog, like in NW.

    Ohh interesting, we had some issues in warsword where our particles were being culled when their origin was outside the camera frustum. I wonder if those are related
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