Recent content by Apollo52

  1. Apollo52

    Cavalry in 1.2.0 Beta

    Can you please upload a replay where you show how your cavalry is decimating bigger and stronger armies without getting casualties?
    I would like to but I don't have neither the software or the time and effort to do that.
    But one can simulate a result with a custom battle with full banner knights.
    I'm not using mods nor horse archers in the army, max difficulty.
    After further experience I think the problem is not a single thing but a combination of mechanics;

    1. First one is the armor, or the armor of the banner knights. HA cavalry is quite resilient and considering that armor got a tad bit better since launch, they are more durable than the initial design. I can't even imagine cataphracts, jeez.
    2. Second one is the perks. With commander perks, one can buff up the units considerably through cumulative small bonuses. I think this should stay as the same since most of the perks feel underwhelming as you read the tooltip. Having the perks shine at least in one occasion is a deserved mechanic for the players.
    3. Third one is the charge damage. En masse, this gets crazy. It's very hard to balance out and it definately needs to be there to feel relevant. But with perks and everything it contributes to the problem. Also cavalry actually charges in rounds so this damage type is much more common compared to the previous patches. With that said I like the charge damage even if I'm on the receiving end.
    4. Forth one is body blocking and mass. As the infantry gets squished together after the charge, due to their aiming problems they can't even react properly as most of the attacks get body blocked. On top of that, since the cavalry makes a mess of the battlefield, new enemy reinforcements can't even get their sh*t together to form up.

    These reasons are not a problem. They make the cavalry worth it, at least in my experience. Also we should not expect the AI to act like a player and make every calculate their every move and execute them perfectly. They will end up a little goofy in the end of the day.

    The real problem is the spears. Literally worthless on foot. I tried to level a spear expert character but can't level the damn thing on foot. Bracing was a good start but it doesn't reflect good enough on actual gameplay. AI doesn't dedicate an entire battalion of pikeman (not spearmen) and order brace. Hell, even as a player it's hard to pull off the pikeman control since most of the time cavalry attacks on the flanks. As a player, you have to rotate the pikeman and constantly order them to move so they can respond properly to cavalry while making sure that they are not ripped via arrows, ugh.

    My conclusion is that unless spears and spear AI is fixed, F1 + F3 Sun Tzu strategy will be the go-for route for cav.
    I am playing with 100% infantrymen armies and annihilating everyone.

    In a "normal" composition infantry deals the most damage and gets the kills, it always has been like that through the path cycles of Bannerlord.
    But when a 100% infantry army (or mixed comp) and a 100% army clashes, you just order charge and get 1 dead 2 wounded, which feels wrong.
  2. Apollo52

    Cavalry in 1.2.0 Beta

    Heya Everyone, I have decided to try 1.2 since the new weather effects seemed really nice immersion-wise. For a new playthrough went with vlandia and again for challenge & roleplay reasons decided to use only noble line vlandian cavalry and nothing else. My banner knigths are annihilating...
  3. Apollo52

    Üniversite Bölümümüm Hakkında Kafa Karmaşası - Tıp, Psikoloji?

    Eğer çok ekonomik sıkıntı çekmeyen bir aileden geliyorsan, burjuvazi temelleriniz oturmuşsa ailenizde ne istersen oku, sonra eğitimini yurtdışında tamamla.
    Yukarıdaki şartlar sana uygun değilse ailenden alabildiğin kadar destekle e-ticarete atıl, sonra işini büyüt. Başka türlü istediğin hayatı yaşayamazsın.
  4. Apollo52

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Tartışma Konusu

    Böyle ufak şeyler var ve oyunun tadını damağınızda bırakıyor. Oyunda diyalog yok mesela, kimseyle konuşamıyorsunuz. Atmosfer sıkıntısı çok büyük. Bir şey sormak istiyorum dendiği zaman tek seçeneğin "boşver" olması mahvediyor insanı. Bu tür sıkıntılar oyunun en göze batmayan fakat en etkili sorunlarından şu an için bence. Karakterler arası bağ sıfır, oyuncu eşiyle bile hiç bir etkileşime giremiyor. İlerde oyuncunun eşiyle bin bir türlü etkileşime girmesini sağlayan modlar çıkacaktır tabi, ama şu an için büyük sorun. Ayrıca ses eksikliği var oyunda, kimse konuşmuyor ve bu daha da büyük bir sorun.
    Şu giriş sinematiği bile oyuna nefes üflemiş, bana göre Bannerlord'un şu anda en çok ihtiyaç duyduğu şey lore, atmosfer ve "Kalradik varoluşsal hiçlik" hissini doldurabilecek ne varsa.
  5. Apollo52

    Yükleme ekranlarında çürüdüm...

    SSD ve ethernet kablosu hayatımda parasını en çok hak eden şeyler oldu.
    Warhammer II Total War oynamayı dene, yükleme ekranı savaştan daha uzun sürüyor SSD dışında.
  6. Apollo52

    Beta Patch Notes e1.5.5

    Bandit troops should never upgrade into any of the 6 cultures, they should have their own line of noble banditry.

    This would be great even just for the general flavour to the game.
  7. Apollo52

    Statement regarding Plans for Singleplayer and Engine II

    Are there any plans for the criminality system?
    Life of a proper criminal would be a great change of air gameplay wise. As of now, as mexxico stated before, plans of implementing the disciplinary perk to the roguery tree raised my hopes. Even though it's not there yet, I personally like recruiting bandit troops and stabbing chickens and thugs alike in the streets. It might not be optimal but it's fun. Though I wonder when will the time for the proper implementation of this system going to come.
  8. Apollo52

    NERF OP KHUZAIT - after 3 months still same story

    I know the devs have acknowledged and responded to this situation, but I need to relaese some of my feelings and thoughts. This is going to be a useless rant.
    I've been playing Mount & Blade since 1.011 and I'm a biblical/veteran fan of the series. I like the khuzait/khergit culture and gameplay a lot. Before Bannerlord there was something off about horse archers and khergits, mainly the AI. With the relase of Bannerlord, seeing how improved the horse archer AI was, I was amazed. I was hyped about the khuzait soundtracks, culture, armor, names and everyting. I did three playthroughs with khuzaits and after some time, I realized that there was a problem;
    The game was too easy for some reason.
    I play without game-changing mods, only responsive soldiers mod with the hardest difficulty possible, which is realistic, no damage reduction or whatsoever. After playing with different factions, I realized that every playthrough that I played ended up with the sole purpose of stopping the Khuzait invasion.
    At this point I want to talk about the main reason that I am writing this,
    The stupid excuses to this situation that some players have given;

    "ThiS is HisToriCally AcCuratE"
    "tHey hAve ConQueRed euRope With hoRseS yoU KnOw :wink:)))"
    "thEy aRe mEanT to bE OP :wink:))))"

    Whenever I see this stuff, I get furious with rage. I like the "endless scourge of nomads, my horse and my wife are the same person" vibe too. BUT this is a game with a design behind it. "This is not Mount&Blade: Khuzait Invasion". This inbalance and these responses have made me hate the khuzaits. In guides and youtube videos you see people saying that vlandian culture bonus is the best and things like that.
    Hear me out bois, those are all lies. If you pick khuzaits, you can't lose any fight if you can decide which battle you are going to pick.
    I understand the horse archers being a pain, that's cool. I don't like fighting against them but I can manage that. But the real problem is the map bonus, simulation bonus and the location advantage. I only saw the khuzaits losing territory in the very first playthrough at day 1 of the relaese which was very fun times if you remember, the game ending in 90 days kind of times.
    Please balance might favourite faction. Nerf it to the ground if you want, but make it enjoyable so every gameplay with every faction can at least stand a chance.

    TLDR; Khuzaits are OP, and any opinion who says that this is normal should not be taken seriously.
  9. Apollo52

    Excess Food

    I was not writing about the fief food system but the army food system. But yes, I'm aware of the situation with fief food problem. I sometimes had to carry food from other cities to my city market, hoping it would solve the food problem. After some time stopped caring :razz:
    But raiding villages are a nice way to thin out a castle's garrison, but it also probably contributes to the snowball effect.
  10. Apollo52

    Excess Food

    I think the new food mechanic is definately better than in the previous titles. It's a great system, but it definitely needs some tweaks as it can be ignored completely after certain game-progression. Basically as you get horses, your carry limit grows exponentially, and as your carry limit...
  11. Apollo52

    Imprisoned Lords Escape Too Easily

    I also would like to add that, even if you don't sell them and keep them as prisoners, due to the extremely slippery nature of the lord -possibly being a bug- you can't really get rid of the problem they cause. You can only execute them, and that has some serious and ridiculous consequences. I had this Jawwal family, capturing my faction's lords while they were trying to recruit. I captured them many times but I couldn't keep up with them as they were constantly able to escape from the dungeon or my party.
  12. Apollo52

    Uyarı ! Bir sonraki krallık denge fixlemesi için acil öneri !

    Kimse problem çözüldü demedi, ama sorunda azalma var. Ana forumda bununla ilgili bir başlıkta oyuncular, oyuncu müdahelesi olmadan bir kaç yıl geçen oyunları grafik olarak koyuyorlar, sonuçları orada görebilirsin. Çözülmüş değil ama iyileşme var. Son gelen 2 patch notunda da sorun çözüldü filan demediler, zira sorunun bir çok kaynağı var. Bu kaynak sorunları halletmeye çalışıyorlar.

    "After some time during a campaign, some lords were remaining without troops in their party because of financial problems and constantly being harassed by bandits. Lords now manage their finances more effectively and take troops from garrisons if they are at risk of going bankrupt. This was one reason for the snowball effect in the campaign, with kingdoms being eliminated too easily. "

    "Snowball effect developments: clans now no longer want to defect to kingdoms which captured their settlements earlier in a campaign. AI defection calculation now cares about relations much more and new ways to lose relations have been added. If a party besieges a settlement, the army leader will lose relation with the settlement owner. Also, after a successful siege, there is a secondary relation loss between both the settlement owner and the aggressor’s faction leader. "
  13. Apollo52

    why the hack we only have 8 soldiers during the hideout missions?

    They are ment to be hard. What I did was that i placed my "elite" troops at the top then i equiped myself with my regular gear, bow and arrows. Had my men do a shield wall in front of me while i shot from behind, usualy worked. And this was before the update so if i got knocked out i would be captured.
    I really don't think that the devs actually expected 8 men to kill 40+ steppe bandits by themselves in a hideout.
    I'm quite sure it will be fixed in the future.
  14. Apollo52

    The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt

    Finde said:
    Benim için en iyi combat; witcher 2
    Genel olarak her şeyiyle iyi: witcher 3
    En iyi hikaye; witcher 1

    Açıkçası Witcher 2'nin combatının ziyadesiyle vasat olduğunu düşünüyorum. 1. oyun combat acısından farklı bir açı zaten, ama 2. oyunun combatı beni hayal kırıklığına uğratmıştı. Action paced olduğu için değil bu arada, çok severim hatta action paced combat'ı.
  15. Apollo52

    Europa Universalis

    Tektabanca28 said:
    Genellikle Türk veya İslam devletleri ile oynarım öyle gidip Fransa ya da Japonya gibi ülkelerle strateji oyunlarını oynamayı sevmem keyif almam belki binde bir. Buna göre bu oyun için hangi DLC'leri almalıyım. Ona göre alım yapacağımda.

    Hocam öyle antipatik bir şey yazmışsın ki yazasım kaçtı.

    Ama Cradle of Civilizations alman iyi olur. Eğer Avrupa dışında bir yerde oynayıp rekabetçi kalacaksan Common Sense'de şart tabi.
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