Some questions for our community managers

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We'll have more to share on the topic of early access soon. I am unable to provide an ETA on the next 3 points, it's all being worked on. We have some critical issues with the next potential release version and are working on fixing them. According to our current plans (that might change in the future due to unforeseen circumstances) you'll be able to use BattlEye protection on your own custom servers but it won't be mod-compatible due to the way BattlEye operates.
I am trying to keep my calm and understand what you mean by "it won't be mod-compatible". Are MP mods at risk and if so what are we supposed to do about it?
I have a genuine question: what does Callum do all day? It would be easier to understand his radio silence if we knew what work he is, in fact, doing. It's disappointing that his activity while on holiday was indistinguishable from his activity on the job, to the point where it was unclear when that holiday began and ended. Is Callum still on vacation???
gap year
I am trying to keep my calm and understand what you mean by "it won't be mod-compatible". Are MP mods at risk and if so what are we supposed to do about it?
It will work the same way warband has. Except native will have full anti cheat support. Modders can still add stuff to prohibit hackers from doing anything in their mod anyway.
If I understand, modded custom servers won't be able to use BattleEye?
That's a bit worrying, seeing as, without BattleEye, people could mod in or simply hack in advantages such as autoblock in modded servers.
Modded servers will presumably have admin teams that can just perma ban people.
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