Max citys?

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so i have 2 towns and 3 castle's, iv lead my guys to almost 40% of the map, and taken 4 citys and 3 castles since i was last awarded a castle/city and yet i can not even vote for myself, its never an option, with my towns/castles I'm basically struggling, like -1k a day, i have 5 shops, and avg of 4 caravans (that i have to replace al the time, even the upgraded ones) and yet I'm struggling to make cash, its been this way for ages now, 2 of my citys have high prosperity aswell as 3 of my castles, like it makes the game almost unplayable atm, the last game I got to this lv i had 100k in the bank and was making like 3-4k, what did you guys do, i have to spend most my time going around and killing looters just to almost not be broke, but I am always broke, its more of a struggle than real life, and I'm a fracking peasent in RL..... plz what am i doing wrong??

i am ter 4 atm if that helps

my garisons are also small

I'm about to give up on this game.
There is no max city amount you just getting bad rng but if you have 4 caravans they usually make bank and can you tell me you're workshops
You probably are running around with too many high tier troops. Either lower the amount of men you have or get lower tier men.

Here is an example of wages being fine because of lower tier troop type

Here is an example of high tier type and also not being in any fights recently while having my parties summoned to an army

Big difference there, but same game with same income possibility. One of the most important factors is your troops.
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so i have 2 towns and 3 castle's, iv lead my guys to almost 40% of the map, and taken 4 citys and 3 castles since i was last awarded a castle/city and yet i can not even vote for myself, its never an option.

Regarding this part, have a look at my Post here on a similiar question.
i have to spend most my time going around and killing looters just to almost not be broke

This is your only problem right here. You are paying wages for 4 war parties to chase looters. Chasing looters is not a source of income for a Tier 1 clan much less a Tier 4 clan.

All you need to do is form an army with all 4 of your clan parties and wage war.

If you are making war your income will always be positive. Don’t worry about your troop tiers, workshop types, fief prosperity or any other advice you get.

If you don’t want to wage war (or smith) and still want a positive income with 2 towns, 3 castles, 5 workshops, and 4 caravans then simply dismiss all your parties except your main. What you have should be enough to support a main party wage of 3K-5K. If your main party wage is lower than 3K you can certainly afford at least 1 clan party.

Your additional clan parties (that you didn’t mention) are what is draining your daily income. They are an expense and will not generate Denar unless your put them in your own army.

So either dismiss them all (problem solved) or wage war (problem solved) or smith (problem solved).

There is no depth to the passive income gameplay. The daily income mechanics may as well be cosmetic.

Also congratulations on having high prosperity towns (in the current patch?). I’ve heard it’s impossible. If you earned these high prosperity towns by constant questing and looters chasing this is probably why you went broke.

That’s Bannerlord gameplay in peak form. Not your fault, but now you know better.
Passive income is ****. If you are not winning regular battles and selling the loot and prisoners then you won't be able to pay for your expenses.
You can't have any garrisons or they will suck up all your money. 99% of player income is through battle loot, or exploiting smithing.
Passive income is ****. If you are not winning regular battles and selling the loot and prisoners then you won't be able to pay for your expenses.
You can't have any garrisons or they will suck up all your money. 99% of player income is through battle loot, or exploiting smithing.
While you can get workshops to do ok if you get a prosperous town it's not easy, and of course running a caravan can be a crap shoot. I think I'd be happy if workshops could be upgraded like caravans so it costs more initially but the payout is much greater over time. Selling used clothes and weapons gets old after awhile. :wink:
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