Problems with running a kingdom in 1.5.1

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Ive been running a small kingdom now, with 5 vassals and 6-7 cities and castles and noticed a few problems:

1) Kingdoms that have basically been defeated (no fiefs and no vassals) are declaring war on my kingdom and of course I crush their small armies, but if i look in the diplomacy tab, the cost to make peace is my kingdom having to pay them a tribute every turn. This is unrealistic, but acceptable in itself as I could just not make peace with them, as they are no threat to my kingdom. However, the vassals will inevitably ask me to make peace and the cost to overturn that request is about 400 influence a pop. So i either have to pay 400 influence or be hit with a tribute of 500 denars per day to a kingdom that has no fiefs and no vassals. If i pay the influence cost, the vassals try again in a few days anyway. So im paying about 1500 denars a day to 3 empire kingdoms that have no fiefs and no vassals.

2) Vassals keep wanting peace. While fighting another kingdom, after beating up their main army stacks and taking 1-2 cities, my vassals will demand that I make peace. This means i either have to pay the influence cost or let the enemy kingdom have all their captured heroes release and have a chance to restock their armies and present a threat again in the future. Why do the vassals want to have peace with a kingdom that is losing the war against us? Shouldn't the other kingdom ask for peace since they are losing?

3) Now im in a situation where everyone is at peace with me and I cant declare war. All my vassals vote me down when I try to declare war. Sure, i can force them to go to war by paying 400+ influence, but I tried that once and within a few days, the vassals are asking me to make peace again. So im sitting around with my treasury being drained by my army cost without a way to sustain a campaign against the other kingdoms.

I understand kingdom management is still being worked on, just wanted to state the current issues that make kingdom management really difficult, and not in a realistic or fun way.
In the previous patch it was the opposite and you would be at war with 4 kingdoms and your vassals would be clamoring for a fifth war. I prefer this setup. The big hint is that no one wants to be in two wars at once. So if you get a war declared on you and you want to keep focusing on the war you are currently fighting immediately go to the diplomacy tab and try and get peace from the new war declaration. If you don't there's a good chance one of your nobles will propose peace with the wrong kingdom so take the initiative. As a bonus all the AI lords will want the peace you proposed so you will get easy rep from it.
In the previous patch it was the opposite and you would be at war with 4 kingdoms and your vassals would be clamoring for a fifth war. I prefer this setup. The big hint is that no one wants to be in two wars at once. So if you get a war declared on you and you want to keep focusing on the war you are currently fighting immediately go to the diplomacy tab and try and get peace from the new war declaration. If you don't there's a good chance one of your nobles will propose peace with the wrong kingdom so take the initiative. As a bonus all the AI lords will want the peace you proposed so you will get easy rep from it.

I get what u are saying and i agree that would be better if it worked that way. My vassals are asking for peace even if I am only at war with 1 other kingdom. Ive now taken to hunting down the parties of other kingdoms and attacking them so I can trigger a war declaration, so i can stop paying those daily tributes.
Kingdoms that have basically been defeated (no fiefs and no vassals) are declaring war on my kingdom

This should not be a thing. Any kingdom that has not fief for sixty days should be dissolved. It's lords would then be free to join other kingdoms. This is basically what happened in Warband. If you don't have any land, YOU ARE NOT A KINGDOM!
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