[Werewolf] - Verona 1117 - Innocents win

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Keep in mind that Tun is the sound of the hearth, while Tick, Tack and Tock are the sound of the rain.

Sunset of the third day

"<In the Eternal battle of supreme benevolence versus pure evil the Beast always triumphs.>"

Mille redemptoris lapsi vertigine Solis annis centenis septem, Alberto Sambonifacio regente, sub Siginfredo episcopo, Sancti Papie Massimi die, Lunae die.

It was a dark and rainy evening. The perfect time for burning someone alive.

"I am not able to start the fire! This damn rain. What should we do now?"
"Let's try to do it together."

The remaining guests of the Arena started getting impatient, the night was near and the Sun was slipping away.

Tick. Tock. Tack. Tick. Tack. Tick. Tick. Tock.

Every drop marked the inexorable and unforgiving flow of time. Drops became little streams, streams got larger and did create torrents. Torrents that united into the Adige. A means of death and life, a shield, yet a sword. The level of the water kept raising. Taller and taller the river gets.

Tock. Tick. Tick. Tack. Tick. Tack. Tock. Tick.

Down, in falls, came the rain. Tears on the devasted face of Lady Verona and his inhabitants. Many still didn't have a roof above their heads, no matter their hard and almost endless work.

Tack. Tock. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tack. Tock.

"Come on, it's almost night. COME ON!"
"It's useless."
"There is no time to lose. If he is a Demon..."


"Start fire, START,...please."




Nothing. Not even a small spark. There is no light in this night. Just darkness and tears.There is no Moon, no stars, no torches, no fireflies, no...

"<A light in the black..."
"...oR jUSt FeAR OF tHE DaRK>"
"MY NaME is LEGION aNd WE brINg dEstrUCTioN And DEATH."

"<WoE TO yOu, oh EarTH ANd SEa
For The DEVIl seNDs THe BEAST With wrATh
BeCAuse hE KNowS tHE time iS sHORt
Let HIM WHo hATh UNDERstanding
RECKon tHe NUmber of thE bEaST
For iT is A HumAn NUmber
ITS nuMBer iS Six hunDRED and SiXty SIx>"

The voice of one thousand souls erupted from Falier's throat. The Earth started shaking even stronger than the first and second time combimed. The rope that tied the designed victim was broken and fell heavily to the ground. Smoke covered his body. Shouts, laughs, cries and giggles were continually uttered in unison by whatever or whoever was hidden behind that fume. Noone dared move or approach it. The rain became heavier and heavier, yet dark flames were coming out of the new cracks, drawn on the ground. Hell was two feet deep. An angel came out of the smoke. He was tall, beautiful, his hair were made of silver, his wings were golden, his skin was pale. His body resembled perfection, his elegant and proportionate shape was peerless. His teeth in his laughing mouth were pearls plastered with diamonds, his muscles were sculpted marble. He seemed a god, but the number of the beast was hollowed in his forehead and in his eyes the souls of his damned army rested. In his rank one was brighter and more visible than the others. Its mouth was filled with flames. Its eyes were torches. It got bigger and bigger, closer and closer. Its skin was burnt, its exposed bones were white. It was driven by anger and avenge. It was...

"Vil-l-lanus!?....Forgive me."
"ForGIVeNEss. SuCH an emPTy WOrd to mE."
"In nom-nomine p-p-patris,...f-f-filis et..."



Seeing Villanus's soul in the Demon's eyes turned Mercuzio into stone. He couldn't move. His muscles did not want to obey the desperate orders of his brain. The Demon glanced him, walked past him. Mercuzio fell, soulless, to the ground. Black eyes on his face.


Muccio rushed to the nearest gate, but the holy perimeter was still there, no matter the earthquake and the unceasing rain. He had to find a safe passage, he turned back, but...

"WHEre doES tHe SINful MucCIo THiNk he cAN gO oR HIde?"
"Stay away from me."
"Ah. You should have said that to your sins."
"I am not a sin..."
"<LuST oF fLESh, Lust oF THe EyEs And FINALLY...."
"the pride of life.>"



Alberto and Galfrido started running, they were fast, too fast. Galfrido stumbled . He watched behind. Nothing. He looked up, in front of himself and...he was standing there.

"AnY laST wORdS?"

"<Animula vagula blandula
Hospes comesque corporis,
Quae nunc abibis in loca
Pallidula, rigida, nudula,
Nec, ut soles, dabis iocos…>"


Alberto run for the stake, their last crumb of hope. Yet,...

"WhAT dO YOu sEe in My eYEs?"
"Nothing, but darkness."

Alberto's eyes were turned black. His soul was added to Legion's army. The last victim's empty body fell on its back, right where Romeo died. His final thought:"We are all doomed and damned."



Thunders ravaged the air. Blood covered the fallen water. Black fire scorched the broken Earth.

I will post the narration of the morning of the fourth day once you will have all read the last narration posted. Someone won, but who?

In the meantime you can try and find who is the Traitor, there are some clear hints in one narration.

Roles and night talks, night actions,...will be posted after the last narration.
So, Moose and Rocco (or MaHuD somehow) were the demons, SootShade the traitor. I still don't know who won, but I an guessing the demons. Who was lynched last night?
Arch3r said:
I mean, I don't see my name in your narrative anywhere

You know your role and you can go for elimination. Each last Tun marks the end of a different player. You can safely assume that the first Tun(Tun...) is yours. You were the first to vote Jock after all.
Morning of the fourth day

"Where am I?"
"In a small village not too far from Verona."
"Wh-who are you?"
"Lupo, Aiulf's friend. I am sure he talked to you about me."
"Yes, h-he did..."
"What, what happened? Where is Legion? He, he took our souls and the last thing I can remember is an immense white flash before me and..."
"A lightning hit him. It was huge. A really marvelous sight. It was...like a sword ready to pierce the Demon's hearth and Hell below him. A tremendous gleam in the darkest night I have ever seen. People from all over Verona's province must have seen it. His death freed your souls. Then we managed to rescue you and bring you here."
"I and Aiulf."
"H-He died, I have seen his..."
"You mean that..."
"Long story short that wasn't Aiulf's body. He is alive and well. He managed to make a deal with Legion, his soul for his spared life. Now that I think of that, he gained three new silver coins too. Most importantly he finally has his soul back."
"And what about the others? Are they fine?"
"They are all sleeping in that room. Are you hungry?"
"Yes, but I would rather rest another bit."
"Fair enough. Once you are ready you will find us downstairs in the kitchen. I had better go back to cooking. See you later."

Mille redemptoris lapsi vertigine Solis annis centenis septem, Alberto Sambonifacio regente, sub Siginfredo episcopo, Sancti Anconae Marcellini die, Martis die.

After having breakfast, the survivors and Lupo gathered their belongings and set off.
The air was quite cold. A small breeze caressed their necks. The first snowflakes melted on the ground. The grass and the fallen leaves were white. The dew on them froze last night. The water of the Adige finally lost their impetus and their brownish colour. The tree tops were dancing. The peaks of the mountain were covered in snow. The earth was still.


Muccio was the first to leave the group. He said that he would have seek redemption for his past. He was headed to Venice. A long journey and voyage awaited him. The land of honey and milk awaited him. Then Castiglione took a different road. His church was his destination. His sheep needed a shepherd, now more than ever. Alberto and Galfrido split up from the group. They both always wanted to visit Rome and Tivoli. Together. Mercuzio decided to remain with his friend Aiulf and Lupo on their way back to home. Suddenly, a wolf stopped in the middle of the road and stared at them. Mercuzio took his crossbow, but...

Lupo:"Not today."
".yadot toN":eek:izucreM

            Lupo Benedicti

Big thanks to all the players and to those who amongst them and not, send me feedbacks concerning the narration. Special thanks to arduus for his support.


- You are Adriano:
Your Antinoo is Dark_Hamlet, every night you can talk about the game and you must decide who sleeps by who. If Antinoo is sleeping by Adriano and the Demons attack Antinoo he is saved, if they attack Adriano he will sacrifice himself to save Antinoo. If one of you is killed the other one will die as well during the next morning/evening narration though. I will send you the link of your quicktopic at the beginning of the first night.
Faction: Innocents; Karma: good.

- You are Antinoo:
Your Adriano is SootShade, every night you can talk about the game and you must decide who sleeps by who. If Antinoo is sleeping by Adriano and the Demons attack Antinoo he is saved, if they attack Adriano he will sacrifice himself to save Antinoo. If one of you is killed the other one will die as well  the next morning/evening narration though. I will send you the link of your quicktopic at the beginning of the first night.
Faction: Innocents; Karma: good.

- You are the Renegade:
You win if the Innocents win.
Faction: Innocents; Karma: bad.

- You are the Priest:
Every night you can either pray for someone's (even yours) soul, preventing him from being killed by the Demons or ask a revelation: the host will reveal you the karma of your target. Just pm me at night.
Faction: Innocents; Karma: good.

- You are the Traitor:
Every night through a pm you can ask me who you want to spy. I will tell you if your target is a Demon or an Innocent. You win if the Demons win.
Faction: Demons; Karma: good.

- You are Satan:
Your lieutenant is The Doge of Benis. You are the alpha Demon: you have the last word on the night-target. During uneven Werewolfdays you receive the soul of the lynched one (as long as you are both alive), whereas you both agree on who receives the soul of your night-target. If an agreement is not reached the soul will be lost. You can spend 2 souls to ask me if one player chosen by you is the Traitor. If you are lynched all your stored souls are lost and Legion won't receive your soul. If a draw is reached during the day you can spend one soul to control the dice and decide who dies. You can't give your souls to Satan and viceversa. You can and should tell Legion about your powers.
I will send you the link of your quicktopic at the beginning of the first night.
Faction: Demons; Karma: bad.

- You are Legion:
Your master is MaHuD.
During even Werewolfdays you receive the soul of the lynched one (as long as you are both alive), whereas you must both agree on who receives the soul of your night-target. If an agreement is not reached the soul will be lost. You can spend 2 souls to prevent one player chosen by you from using his night action. If you are lynched all your stored souls are lost and Satan won't receive your soul. If a draw is reached during the day you can spend one soul to control the dice and decide who dies. You can't give your souls to Legion and viceversa. You can and should tell Satan about your powers.
I will send you the link of your quicktopic at the beginning of the first night.
Faction: Demons; Karma: bad.

-You are a normal Citizen:
Faction: Innocents; Karma: good.

SootShade: Adriano
Big McLarge-Huge: Traitor
Xardob: Citizen
Jock: Citizen
The Doge of Benis/Roccoflipside: Legion
MaHuD: Satan
Moose!: Renegade
Dark_Hamlet: Antinoo
Arch3r: Priest

Adriano and Antinoo's night talks:

Other night Actions:

Night 1:

Lunch target: Aiulf
Seer revelation target: Aiulf
Traitor target: Arch3r

Night 2:

Lunch target: SootShade Block target: Moose!
Seer revelation target: Roccoflipside
Lupo sure has a thing for stretching out expectations  :iamamoron:


Edit: oh, I see finally things have been revealed. GG y'all. You were lucky, though. Pretty much the worst case scenario for Team-Demon  :iamamoron:
Okay... I just got confused when, after we lynched the last demon, we still entered the night fase. I thought Moose pulled some genius move or something as the demon, where MaHuD was the Renegade.
Oh, and huge thanks to Lupo for his very involved hosting and the elaborate narrations! Thoroughly enjoyed that, mate!  :iamamoron:

And as he said, the sign-up has started. 6 have signed up already, so we should at least be able to find nr. 7 soon, but I might wait a bit to see if we can at least make it to 9.
Adaham said:
Oh, and huge thanks to Lupo for his very involved hosting and the elaborate narrations! Thoroughly enjoyed that, mate!  :iamamoron:

And as he said, the sign-up has started. 6 have signed up already, so we should at least be able to find nr. 7 soon, but I might wait a bit to see if we can at least make it to 9.

:iamamoron: You are welcome. :iamamoron:

Noone expects the Spanish lightening, ehm deus ex machina.

9 would be better.

P. S. I have fixed the youtube links, now you can reread it with non-historical atmospheric music.
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