(1.011) Two related bugs after "winning" game.

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After 1,600 days of playing I managed to conquer the whole of Calradia as part of Swadia.

Since then, every day at Noon I will receive the victory announcement screen. It's quite annoying when I'm traveling the map since I have to click Continue to carry on.

A related possible bug is that ever since the victory I've received random packages of 29,999 exp. Not once, multiple times. I even leveled up from it. While I don't mind free exp, it really looks like a bug.

And those are my bugs for now.

EDIT: Now there are more. After defeating all five kings (including Harlaus as part of the claimant quest), they seem to have taken over Asugan Castle and Peshmi, making their home base there. When I see them they read as part of the Commoner's faction. Their names appear and disappear from the character list depending on whether I've seen them recently.

When I entered Asugan Castle's hall I can talk to them as normal, while the guards don't seem to like me. And then something truly creepy happened. I exited the hall and went into the courtyard. As I walked towards the front gate I saw an armored figure standing there. When I reached him I saw that his name was the same as my character's. He introduced himself as my character would, but as the Ruler of Player Faction. I had the option to say that I met someone called [my character's name] in my travels. Then he would give the response of (I assume) King Ragnar when asking about Lethwin Far Seeker. There was also an option to offer my sword in vassalage, but I was afraid the game would break...
The clone bug is quite common I think I've certainly had it a few times.

Of course I didn't do anything about it and just carried on with my game, so I have no idea how to help you.
Something of an update on the situation: I defeated the fallen kings and took the castle, it is now back to normal. But the clone still spawns randomly in that corner of the world map. I even sold one of my prisoner lords to him.

Now whenever I take a caravan quest from the Guild Master the caravan will run away from me. I have to chase it to the target city and then talk to the caravan to complete the quest.
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