[Outdated] Pythonic Module Editor v0.8.0

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Two problems: firstly, it won't let me name the project (whenever i click on new project and enter a name, it just ignores me and keeps calling it untitled) and secondly, the module_xxxx.py files seem to include only the headers (i think?) and not the actual data.
Mango: the current version is a standalone app. It shouldn't have any dependencies. Please let me know if it does.
Fujiwara said:
Mango: the current version is a standalone app. It shouldn't have any dependencies. Please let me know if it does.

Ehh... I downloaded the editor from the first page and it isn't a standalone app. Maybe the link is wrong?
Fujiwara said:
It should be. I'll look into this.

Did you come up with anything? I downloaded from https://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?cid=3&id=379 and got a .rar. when I unpacked it the documentation said I needed python 2.44 and some other stuff. It doesn't seem like a standalone.

Too bad because it really looks like a good app but I am hesitant to mess around with old versions of python and such until I know more.
Sounds great,

But I am getting a 'Problem loading page' 'Firefox can't find...'


Everybody, I'm sorry. For four months now I thought the download was an executable installer. Turns out its the code. I feel STOOPID... :cry:

The link has been updated for v0.8.1, RAR-packaged stand-alone installer.
Fujiwara said:
Everybody, I'm sorry. For four months now I thought the download was an executable installer. Turns out its the code. I feel STOOPID... :cry:

The link has been updated for v0.8.1, RAR-packaged stand-alone installer.

I guess I can try it out now :razz:
Nethoras, if you're referring to to the Unofficial Editor, no. The two are not compatible. The UO operated directly on the data TXT files. PyME exports its data to the Official Module System format.
Fujiwara said:
A short manual is included in the PyME archive. Read BEFORE running. Lemme know what ya'll think!  :grin:

The archive which is DLed from that link doesnt contains a manual. Can you please upload and give link or post it here?
so... how do you import an existing mod (from the official python module files) i cant seem to find it anywhere.. not to mention, there doesnt seem to be any 'default' values.. shouldnt it atleast include some defaults such as marnid and so forth.. even if you edit them, it should import native... or am I missing some step?
:oops: No, you're not missing anything. I released the editor without having the conversion/import scripts fully integrated. In hindsight, it was not the brightest thing to do, and the project has been on the back burner since I took over leadership of the Onin no Ran Mod. There should be a folder in the root program folder called Converters. To use, put the module_xxx.py file you want to import in that folder and run the associated converter, but your need Python installed on your computer for it to work. Then, in PyME, select the module you want to import and click Import Module.

It's clumsy, I know. My first software release did not go well.  :roll:
it happens.. ^-^ i figured it out without using the GUI though.. enjoying python in all its glory.. (its been used to mod a couple games i enjoy..)
anyhow.. thanks for the editor, maybe when you get it finished all the way ill use it..
btw.. did you know of the bug that.. say if you click x (alt+f4) instead of the close button.. the main window doesnt 'come forward' it acts as if it is just blank.. though all the buttons and options are visually available.

ive a habit of just alt+f4ing everything when im done with it, if im not going to save my work.. i had to ctrl+alt+Delete/end task to close it... even though it was still technically responding.
I also cant run it, i press the buttons and it just do nothing. :sad:

Does anybody knows what the structure of the conversation.txt file is? Or maybe there are some editting tools for thar file ? Thanx in advance !
I dont have the manual (could be I missed it but dont think so)
Is it included in the .RAR file or in the program itself?
I may be completely stupid here, but what exactly is this?  Is it an editor like the unofficial editor?  What does this program do? I havn't downloaded it yet, but only because I don't want to confuse myself with something I don't know how to use properly.
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