M&B V 1.011 - Prophesy of Pendor 3.0 Development Team

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It would be great to see global map in PoP3. For example as background in "Quests", like this:

If u find it useful, try this .dds: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2JY11ELJ
excuse me for posting on this thread but i couldn`t post on the one with the suggestions,i absolutely love this mod and i want to ask you guys not to equip the pendorian man at arms with shield if they have billhooks already it, makes them very ineffective. good luck!
The issue of spearmen carrying shields is among my top notions once it will come to balance the gameplay and units. A couple of other things are on my mind as well. I´m pretty sure PoP 3.0 will come up with more devastating and efficienter and better balanced troopers than 2.5 has.
I don't suppose anyone's looking for proofreaders or dialogue writers? I can volunteer myself for the role!
I find myself these days without anything to do, owing to circumstances beyond my control. So why not try to help the Pendor team?
I realize this offer comes late in the day (REALLY late), and so I will take on offense to anyone wanting to slap me with a dead fish and chase me off the forums. Really, I won't.
Don't open yourself up to being slapped with a dead fish because we will take advantage of it... but look on the bright side at least you'll never be chased off the forums :grin:

*slaps SnakeStrike with a dead halibut*
hgghg4 said:
Don't open yourself up to being slapped with a dead fish because we will take advantage of it... but look on the bright side at least you'll never be chased off the forums :grin:

*slaps SnakeStrike with a dead halibut*

*slaps back with 43/50 rotten beef*
How's that?

By the way, what's a halibut? Is that an english word?
A Halibut is a type of flatfish from the family of right-eye flounders (Pleuronectidae).  Genus  Hippoglossus.  They are most commonly found in the North Pacific waters of the US and Canada.
Fawzia dokhtar-i-Sanjar said:
A Halibut is a type of flatfish from the family of right-eye flounders (Pleuronectidae).  Genus  Hippoglossus.  They are most commonly found in the North Pacific waters of the US and Canada.

Tell me true: Did you learn all that in school/college/through a book, or did you just type 'Halibut' into Google?
Not that I have a problem with the latter, but I wish to be totally awestruck at your general knowledge if the former is true.
More importantly, halibut is an extraordinarily tasty and versatile fish. Wonderful in fish and chips, braised, even grilled.
I Googled it, of course, though I already knew it was part of the flounder family and where a lot of them come from, (does that count towards a small percentage of awe?) so I actually Googled "flounder"  to get the genus name.  But I am quite expert at cooking halibut.  Webspinnre is right - you cannot beat it for fish and chips, and it is totally great grilled.

Edit: Being a flatfish, it is excellent for smacking someone across the face, and makes a rather nice sound when you do so.
That works. I am suitably awed.
Anyone here tried a Persian hamour? They come from the Arabian Gulf and even the smallest adult specimens are exceptionally fat. Very meaty and substantive, and a snap to clean.
webspinnre said:
More importantly, halibut is an extraordinarily tasty and versatile fish. Wonderful in fish and chips, braised, even grilled.

+1 this man knows tasty fish...

BTW everyone I am part of PETA

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