Forum Moderation Feedback

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I received a warning for stating a fact(calling someone(Nihal Atsız) racist and skull-measurist). After posting my complaint here on this board, my watch percent magically disappeared!
Well, that's a surprise. I'd think most of the Turkish moderation would be of the same mind with you on that issue. Perhaps the newer members of the moderation team had to run that by the older ones, which led to its removal.
Cyborg Eastern European said:
Shoot first, ask questions later approach?
That approach could be needed on the Viking Conquest forums if you ask me.
Seriously, its pretty ugly over there.
Not 100 percent sure what a dupe is but no, Im just a new guy awaiting a new gaming PC while looking for good games to install.
Its just that it seems that no matter where you go, people will tear pretty decent games apart for whatever reason, may it be a rough launch, not meeting up to their expectations, day one dlc's, endings etc.

What is the point with being tolerant and polite when they aren't?
To save other threads going off-topic, you may use this thread to welcome back your new Turkish overlords, Goker and Courage, who return to moderation after a lengthy break, and also Dies Irae, who will be overlording along side them.

They'll all have their 6-week evaluations coming up in mid-May, so remember to score them highly!
What do you think of the Moderation Team?
I think they have a pretty awful habit of issuing punishment to whoever happens to own the reported post rather than actually reading the surrounding conversation and issuing punishment to everyone involved as appropriate, as well as taking into account the punished persons other posts, whether it would increase or decrease necessary punishment.

Okay, you don't have unlimited time, I get that. That means leave the warning alone in the log until you have more time or someone else does. If you're not going to read the page(s), leave it alone.
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