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Swyter said:
Exporta los modelos e impórtalos en un BRF nuevo. También puedes hacer Ctrl+C -> Ctrl+V para pasar materiales y ref. de texturas de uno a otro.
OpenBRF deja mucha flexibilidad para este tipo de cosas. Y además ahora lo tienes traducido...  :smile:

Export the models and import it again in a new BRF. You can also do Ctrl+C -> Ctrl+V to move materials and texture refs. between resource files.
OpenBRF allows/lets us a lot of flexibility for this kind of stuff. And now you have it translated...  :smile:

Muchas gracias Swyter.  Thank you Swyter.

mtarini said:
Thanks, swyter. Let me add, however, that between the "copy" and the "paste", you need to keep the openBRF window open.

I mean, mind step 4:
(1) open brf-file A,
(2) select whatever you want (e.g. a mesh, or even multiple things),
(3) Ctrl+C,
(4) open brf-file B, without closing OpenBRF
(5) Ctrl+V.
...and you moved the stuff from A to B.

  Thank you Mtarini. Works like a charm. 

One more question. I have same armors whit +6000 faces but in the game they apear flat and streched and long. It looks like the hero is wearing a door, lol. It is a limitation of the game or i am doing something wrong? I have also put armors whit 600 - 2000 faces and they are ok.
Sucubus said:
One more question. I have same armors whit +6000 faces but in the game they appear flat and streched and long.

As GetAssista says.
OpenBRF auto-triangulates polygonal (e.g. quad-) meshes when you import them but not necessarily in the best way.

But it could be several things. A screenshot would help. Does it look good in OpenBRF? Maybe it is just a matter of wrong normals? You can right click on the mesh, "recompute normals", play with the slider, see if that helps. Of maybe it is just a poor model, long and thin triangles in general, can sometime give poor results.
Now I'm sorry if this has been addressed before, but I'm having a hard time associating this openbrf with brf files.

I just downloaded a new version of openBrf but this time, it doesn't open brf files automatically. Now, before you point me toward the first page and tell me that this is already answered, I already tried "open with" and finding the program. It just doesn't work. I can open brf files by dragging them onto the openbrf icon, but it sure would be nice to be able to double click it instead. Has anyone else encountered this?

Ah well. I thought I remembered someone mentioning something about this in the past. I suppose I'll just have to trawl through the 70+ pages to find it... I can't really think of any search terms that would help this.
mtarini said:
It look like something dependent on Windows version, Service Pack included, or, who knows what went through bill gate's mind, maybe even where OpenBRF is installed (e.g. inside "program files" or not). In XP SP3, for example, what I describe above should just work (this is what MS says: [link]

OpenBRF should be just like any other program, I don't think this is an issue with it.
Just a matter of convincing your operative system that OpenBRF is the program to associate to "BRF" file extension.
How to achieve that is not something that has anything to do with the specific program itself, I think.
If you fix this with your OS, maybe let everybody else know by posting here.

Eg, just a test: try associating BRF files to any other program (say, notepad++), see if that program opens clicking on a brf file (it won't be able to read the BRF naturally), and after that see if you can then re-associate BRF files back to OpenBrf instead. Who knows, maybe this brings back Windows to its senses.
Joshiboy actually found the answer on page 65. For some reason, changing the name of the exe file fixes the problem. I changed it from openBRF to openbrf editor and everything fell into place.

Just for search clarity: double-click open file association default
That should help others who have this problem find the answer.
Good find, thank you. I will include this in the 1st page FAQ.

Just for curiosity, what if you rename it back to what it was? Will windows accept it then?
Because otherwise it will be a little of a nuisance to rename it every time you download a new version.
I'm having this same problem changing the file association between versions of Photoshop. It looks like Windows thinks that the first executable (photoshop.exe) has the naming hegemony and doesn't let to specify others with the same string, pretty sad programming.

As everybody knows: This thing it's bugged as hell.
Before this admittedly boring topic is dropped, let me add that, considering all which was reported, now I would like to add an option in OpenBRF to capture the association to the "brf" extension from inside openBRF itself.

Surprisingly, the only simple way to automatically set an association would be though an installer, and I don't want installers for OpenBRF (I'm against them in general). To set-up the association within the program seems really messy, because that stuff works differently with each and every Win version. I just don't feel like getting my hands dirty with any of that register patching.

I didn't find a library that does that for me, so if you know one, let me know!
There isn't, looks like it's a registry embedded feature of Win32. Read this. With a simple all-in-one regpatch can be achieved.
This one worked perfectly for me. Check your right OBRF path, paste in notepad and save it as 'OpenBRFpatch.reg'. Double click and enjoy.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 
OpenBRF RegPatch by Swyter

"FriendlyTypeName"="Mount&Blade Binary Resource File"

@="C:\\Program Files\\OpenBRF\\openBrf.exe,0"



@="\"C:\\Program Files\\OpenBRF\\openBrf.exe\" \"%1\""

Here it's the result:

It looks pretty straightforward to implement as a built-in function  :wink:
eheh, thanks Swyter! I really appreciate, you are always ready to help!
In this case, however, I knew that part: if you look at the source code, the code to the QT equivalent of do that is already all there since the first version, only it is not used. I vaguely remember commenting it out because it gave problems with system permissions, or maybe because it didn't work for all window versions, or something else. I guess problems can be bypassed, but it's... well ugly and fatiguing. That's why I'm asking if anybody knows a library to do that without getting ones' hand dirty. I wish QT did that (but it is too much cross platform for that).
You need only openBrf to change animations and skeleton, but it would require some scripting to get it working ingame.
‘”Transfer rigging from a mesh to another:  to transfer rigging from a rigged "exemplar" mesh to one or more target (usually non rigged) mesh 
How to:  (1)select one or more exemplar meshes, (2)copy [ctrl+C], (3)select one or more target mesh, (4)"edit" -> "paste rigging"”
I`m sorry-it don`t work.”Paste rigging” is a “gray line” and not active(Windows XP,Warband 1.132)
:cry: I`ts work like”rigged mesh copy”command and make only mesh copy.I try to do it on Open BRF 0,49…0.50…0.51. I make a helm LODs and can`t rigged it=Helms are invisible(not hairs on the hеad=this is no meshes in Game…right?).There is my mistake?  :oops:
Baltijec said:
‘”Transfer rigging from a mesh to another:  to transfer rigging from a rigged "exemplar" mesh to one or more target (usually non rigged) mesh 
How to:  (1)select one or more exemplar meshes, (2)copy [ctrl+C], (3)select one or more target mesh, (4)"edit" -> "paste rigging"”
I`m sorry-it don`t work.”Paste rigging” is a “gray line” and not active(Windows XP,Warband 1.132)
:cry: I`ts work like”rigged mesh copy”command and make only mesh copy.I try to do it on Open BRF 0,49…0.50…0.51. I make a helm LODs and can`t rigged it.There is my mistake?  :oops:

What a mess of post.  :smile:

Well, It's pretty easy... Open a BRF, put two models really close (only to find it better) select the already-rigged one (test it first by putting it walking). Go to Edit/Edición > Copy/Copiar. Change your selection to the static model. Move your cursor again to the Edit/Edición menu. The rest it's easy press over "Paste rigging/Pegar Unión Esqueletal" menu item...

You're done. Let me see if I'm wrong..

Ah Marco, I have a suggestion: Since I discovered the direct vertex painting it's my master tool :smile: (nothing more to say)
It would be cool if you make the color previewable so I can really see the final result... this can be really helpful. Thank you.  :wink:
Swyter said:
It would be cool if you make the color previewable so I can really see the final result...

You mean, it is not? Or it is the wrong color?

Unless something is wrong, OpenBRF is supposed to preview per-vertex color just fine already.
Only, there is no vertex painter in OpenBRF. You need to paint your meshes using some other appl, then export, then import in OpenBRF. If you see no vertex color in OpenBRF, then I'm afraid that means it didn't get there.

Not many mesh formats embed per-vertex color. e.g. "ply" does, but "obj" doesn't.
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