Diplomacy or Politics?

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Ok I've been playing M&B as an independent, and yes I like it that way. :smile:
My problem is I can not always remember Who I'm in good with, and who I'm on the outs with.

Is there a diplomacy or Politics screen I'm missing? Or some other way to find out who I'm friends with and who I should attack on sight?
Who's caravans to pick on and who's to let by? If there isn't shouldn't there be some way of keeping track?

I've got 2 different games going, one as vassal to swabia, the other independent.

Both characters are up around level 16 in less than a week. (Can you tell I'm having fun? )

I am hugely impressed with so much about this game. Recently discovered that with a good sized warband most Villages will not fight if I loot and burn. As a result the money has been rolling in.

Also if you are say -6 to a country, how could you turn that around if you wanted to?

If you go the quests screen (hit the Q button) you can click on the factions section and see who is at war with whom.  Whatever faction you've joined should have two or more sworn enemies to harass, plunder, and kill.  :grin:

I'm not sure if you can repair your reputation with a faction very easily.  At -5 are you allowed to join in and save a caravan from that faction?  That ought to turn the trick.
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