Dear Finnish and Hungarian members

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Bluehawk said:
That is definitely not Russian, nor Slavic. I can immediately hear the Ugric sounds which I might mistake for Finnish if I didn't know the context.
Agree with the first part, but I wouldn't mistake it for Finnish.
There are similar phonemes being used, but the longer you listen to it, the more obvious it is that it's somewhere east of the Urals... I meant to reassure Allegro's question, since it is, whether it sounds like it or not, linguistically related to Finnish and Hungarian.
Didn't understand a word. It was full with sounds that are absent in the Hungarian language, and sounded very alien. Also the faces didn't look like Hungarian people's.
Sounds a bit more like a Sami language to me. Maybe it's the throat things, I'm not really sure. Definitely has some Finno-Ugric characteristics, but couldn't understand a single word of it.
I tried to listen to any words I could recognise from the subtitles.
It sounds Ugric, but it has these Russian "ch"- sounds like they have dicks in their throats.
Yeah, very weird throat sound, like in Pashtu or Farsi or something. The intonation is very familiar though, so yeah, definitely a Finno-Ugric language. But sorry, none of the words sound familiar at all.

Allegro said:
Let me know if there are any languages you guys can partly understand due to their common roots. Apart from Estonian.
Well, some words in Hungarian and Finnish are almost the same - words like fire, stone/rock, water, tree but that's it. Makes sense because the groups diverted from each other such a long time ago. Add to that the fact that modern intonation is quite different in Finnish and Hungarian and we can't really understand each other at all. Heck, I can't even understand Estonian.
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