Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

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didnt you make a video covering it when they stated here on the forums 5 or 6 weeks ago that it's going live in november?
yeah which shocked me as they said they wouldnt do that. But I also sad I would say 50/50 we get it in november. Still 9 days to go so a decent shot but its TW, nothing shocks me
I dont know why everybody is so hyped about an update. Its simply done when its done. You can already play the game, why do you need 1.25 so badly? Sure, updates are cool, but its not the worlds ending when a small beta patch needs a few more weeks of work before its ready.
Maybe because they are afraid their savegame will be corrupted or not work properly anymore?
I agree calling a failure to meet the November estimate a lie is dumb. **** happens and things run late. Overreacting to a few days of delays for this case is an example of why they don't like to provide dates.

On the other hand, they don't like to provide dates because they have very poor project management, as evidences by the non-sensical priorities, the lack of addressing low-hanging fruit, mish-mashed, half-assed, features, glacially slow development cycles, sketch "road maps" (har har), recycling bugs, dearth of communication, false promises, etc.

So disappointed in how this project has progressed. Hats off to Dejan for having the grit to stay with it.

Agreed. Its crazy how literally every other dev is able to provide some sort of roadmap and yet TW cannot. It seems that they dont have a project manager who can look past two weeks in their development cycle. Maybe I have high expectations after playing games from Larian Studios and Paradox. They can easily give out whats coming in a year and deliver. Why TW cant do that is beyond me. Simple lack of leadership and actual goals set
Agreed. Its crazy how literally every other dev is able to provide some sort of roadmap and yet TW cannot. It seems that they dont have a project manager who can look past two weeks in their development cycle. Maybe I have high expectations after playing games from Larian Studios and Paradox. They can easily give out whats coming in a year and deliver. Why TW cant do that is beyond me. Simple lack of leadership and actual goals set

Afaik, they pointed out their roadmap is still the same as they pointed out in the release notes. So what gives?

It's like they are saying "we are doing this".. and then you are saying "what are you doing?"
Pls tale world bring some feature from other M&B games in Bannerlord like buying Books in Warband and learning in Academy in Fire&Sword. The former for increasing focus point and later for intellegence att point.

Why does it look like that? A week+ is a lot of time.
Yeah, but they're planning to release 1.2.5 beta before 1.2 goes to to the main release. After 1.2.5 is released and confirmed to have no gamebreaking bugs, they can start the process to get the 1.2 patch certified for consoles. All that takes time. If 1.2.5 isn't out in the next couple of days then I think the window will have closed for a November release of 1.2.

I hope the Taleworlds devs don't let the stress take over. It's better to delay the patch a few days than to suffer from overwork.
Comments like this would incentivize me as the developer to relase on Nov 30, 11:59 pm as well as giving me an incentive not to continue to put any effort into this game.
Haha, 11:59:59. You are right, let devs do their job. If they are good, I'm sure bannerlord is one of the best game out there. I still hope this game has a long future update including DLC after bug fixes and rebalance
Agreed. Its crazy how literally every other dev is able to provide some sort of roadmap and yet TW cannot. It seems that they dont have a project manager who can look past two weeks in their development cycle. Maybe I have high expectations after playing games from Larian Studios and Paradox. They can easily give out whats coming in a year and deliver. Why TW cant do that is beyond me. Simple lack of leadership and actual goals set
This is so wrong!

You cite two arranged examples, in addition, two studios which have a little more than 400 people, that's 4 times more than Taleworlds ("only" around 100)!

Only in France, there are 1,200 video game companies. Even counting only the biggest studios in the world (>200 employees), it is completely false to say that all these studios open their patches in beta and announce their plans. Generally we know about the patch when it comes out.

Since you like examples, do you know what EA Sports responded to its customers recently about a serious jersey bug? "we're looking at it and we'll release it when it's ready." It's normal ! Work in a developer profession and you will understand.
I dont know why everybody is so hyped about an update. Its simply done when its done. You can already play the game, why do you need 1.25 so badly? Sure, updates are cool, but its not the worlds ending when a small beta patch needs a few more weeks of work before its ready.
Because many players think devs are pretty slow on release updates and many of the updates are just fixes,Even worse those fixes never work as intend, many bugs got "fixed" again and again but still appears again and again. and many bugs left untended for monthes. Also the game still need more content and some big rebalance even redesign on many aspects (perks, character relation, diplomacy, kingdom policy, etc) even after three years development . We just want the game become better.

Also, as a modder, I must arrange my schedule based on dev's schedule, because I don't want a suddenly released update ruin my just finished new version. that happened more than once. So if the dev's told me there will be an update soon, I hope it will be release as soon as passable so I can know what should I do with my mod(such as new content and compatibility).
Comments like this would incentivize me as the developer to relase on Nov 30, 11:59 pm as well as giving me an incentive not to continue to put any effort into this game.
If I had been Taleworlds, seeing the reactions, honestly there would never have been a road plan for 2023.

Honestly seeing so much malice and anger over free content is completely mind-blowing for me.
Because many players think devs are pretty slow on release updates and many of the updates are just fixes,Even worse those fixes never work as intend, many bugs got "fixed" again and again but still appears again and again. and many bugs left untended for monthes. Also the game still need more content and some big rebalance even redesign on many aspects (perks, character relation, diplomacy, kingdom policy, etc) even after three years development . We just want the game become better.

Also, as a modder, I must arrange my schedule based on dev's schedule, because I don't want a suddenly released update ruin my just finished new version. that happened more than once. So if the dev's told me there will be an update soon, I hope it will be release as soon as passable so I can know what should I do with my mod(such as new content and compatibility).
But these are not only fixes, his is what people purposely do not understand!

There was no cheat system, it's an addition. There was no weather system, it's an addition. There was no targeting system, it's an addition, etc... Each addition of code causes bugs in other codes. No more bugs? Simple. No more additions. I don't think it would be any more enjoyable.

For the mods, consider yourself lucky to have the right to them. Not all games allow this so easily. This accessibility is not magic and is not obligatory, it is also work for developers.
I don't mind the long wait. As long as the devs keep communicating and working hard to make sure it will not have too many bugs then take your time. But once the communication breaks down, or they start delivering terrible patches with game breaking bugs, that is where I get angry with them. SO really if it goes to December, I am fine. Just don't stop communicating with the community, update the progress and give eta's (That means estimated, not a deadline we know the difference TW) So that is what Im looking for, if @Dejan or @Duh_TaleWorlds say something to update, that goes a long way for something being delayed. (Not knowing is the worst part of almost anything)
But these are not only fixes, his is what people purposely do not understand!

There was no cheat system, it's an addition. There was no weather system, it's an addition. There was no targeting system, it's an addition, etc... Each addition of code causes bugs in other codes. No more bugs? Simple. No more additions. I don't think it would be any more enjoyable.

For the mods, consider yourself lucky to have the right to them. Not all games allow this so easily. This accessibility is not magic and is not obligatory, it is also work for developers.
Cheat system was always a thing. Console port for M&B was an after-the-fact thing; only with this one (as with many games nowadays), they are intentionally releasing for both - so that's scope creep issue on their end.

Weather system was a thing they had since beginning of EA that they couldn't figure out how to fix (still barely works), the effects it incurs in-game was an assumption based on the fact that it did in WB.

Targeting system, yes, that is a 'new' thing, solely because of how underperforming the AI coding is (due to how else the combat has been re/balanced constantly) and this would help that aspect out.

Additions, I get, they come with issues that take time to resolve. What about all the other things that still have remained to be solved since EA?
Do all the perks finally work? Does the wording of the perks match the numbers? Do the numbers actually multiply as intended? Same with policies? Workshops working? Economy doesn't just failscade after a few years? AI still get stuck on terrain/pathing issues? Is Battania still doomed, what about Sturgia map clear disadvantage? Are our children all still clones? Will patch have another 200 lines on the same sidequest fixes again? On and on and on.

These aren't 'new' issues, these are issues from years ago holding the game from being complete. We're not talking about 'free DLC content'; they don't even want to confirm if DLCs are still an affirmative.
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