[AAR]:Rise of the Britons.

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Lord Lukjan

Since i would love to do a full video walkthrought of this mod,i cant,since i have too weak machine to do videos nor to play this mod on highter settings,so DANGER:Screenshots contains game in low details!..(for those who got their eyes bleedin when they see low graphics).So this will be a little AAR containing the progress of my character,using only little edits to get this RP style,will show every edit and this thread will be updated every day.So lets start..
Lord Lukjan presents:
The Rise of the Britons:
Chapter 1:Newborn
Britain,land of chaos,divided into rival kingdoms fighting each other for domination.In year 636 AD Britons are defending what left from their ancient home against Anglo-Saxons.Divided into rival clans,their warlords are fighting for domination,making themselves easy prey for clans of Angles and Saxons.Almund,raised by lesser noble,soon to become lesser noble for Alt Clut,is feeling this thread,and hes eager to avenge what happened to his ancestors.
My character:
But hes still just young and he dont have any army.Hes rage is still burning and heating his body even the cold wind coming from Northern lands ruled by Picts will not make him freeze.In 23th February 636AD he went to Alt Clut,to participate in the upcoming tournament,to win it and join Alt Clut as a lesser noble serving Ri Bili map Neithon,warlord of the Alt Clut.
Almund fought with a strenght and he went from a round to round,but at the 4th round he got beaten down.He lost the tournament,and also an opportunity to become a lesser noble,for now.Its an old tradition in Alt Clut,any noble born who want to become a noble and serve a king must win at least one tournament.And father told Almund that if he win a tournament and will become lesser noble he will get another 7500 scillingas.After Almund got defeated,he bought a brand new equipment,and found 2 companions in tavern.
My new equipment:
They need some training.From money he got left,he went from villeage to villeage,recruiting new men to his party.After he got full he marched to wilderness to hunt down some scum,bandits and deserters.Some men died under him,but some survived,and those who did advanced in rank.he managed to take prisoners too,selling then in Alt Clut and other citys to slave merchants gave him many scillingas,and also some renown.he even managed to defeat 7 heavy armoured deserters,and he captured 2 of them.
Near the town of Din Eidyn he fought,and when he visited the town,night fallen,and he found out there is a feast in the hall,which means he can fight in tournament.He got stronger and his companions too,he might win this one..First rond he got beaten,but he took 2 of other with him,master of the tournament told him that he can continue,and at round 3 he got hit by a javelin...Feast did continue,and new fight may start again.The second fight begun,and he fought with strenght and valor,he got defeated in 4th round,but he took 2 of others with him.He passed the fight and in the semi finale he won,and at the finale,fighting legendary Anchoret the Pict,he beaten her and won alot of money.But no gift.So happy about his right to become lesser noble,and one step closer to avenge the defeat of Britons,he went to mead hall to celebrate.He found one man,worth becoming his new companion,but he was babbling something about arrogancy of Britons,and he was cursing his ancestors.Almund got very angry,and if he could,he will kill the son of a whore and chop his head off,and drink from his skull,when he will banish all foreigners from his ancient land.But he couldnt,and he let it go.He came into the castle to feast with other lords.Talking with them,he met a famouse bard,who told him he has sword of Beowulf,the greatest Briton hero.With that sword,he could cleave many Saxons,and banish them with more ease.By the time he was feasting,a new tournament fight begin,this time it will be not worth to bet money,but he will fight,for some gift worth a champion.And he won,and not a single blow he received.Town so much loved him,that as a gift,they gived him a very good armor worth a Warlord.That armor was heavy,but very protective and very well made,it was called Wolf Lorica.He looked mighty with it.
My character with wolf lorica,and his later stats..

He feasted and fought in tournament brawls with lords till end.When he woke up next day,dizzy and slightly drunk,he bought food for 10 days and went on a road to return to Alt Clut and become a lesser noble.When he reached Alt Clut there was feast in progress,And a tournament fight.He was already a champion,but victory in his hometown would certantly make him lesser noble immerdietely.He joined,and he will also place some bets.The fight was rought,and he lost.But he may pass his test when he won those fights in Din Eidyn.He got his new companion,a Pict,but looking very experienced.When he dueled him to test his skills he realized hes a pictish berserk,very good with 2 handed axe.On his travels he met one warlord of Alt Clut,and he received an offer to become lesser noble for Alt Clut,he accepted,and then he send a message to his dad,that he succesfully became a lesser noble for Alt Clut.On the next morning he received his 7500 denars,and a list where it says that his father is very proud of him.And so he should use the money to find some veteran warriors in taverns and hire them..
End of Chapter 1
Must say that Almund is an unexpected name for a Briton who wants to throw out the Anglo-Saxons, it being Germanic and all ^^
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