Salt mine

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Yes it does. Once a week you get a message how much money they earned for you (and you get that money too of course). It does NOT show up in the regular weekly budget report though! It is another pop-up message.
Not a good source of steady income.... 10 gold piece/1 prisoner with high chance of escape. I even try matching 1 prisoner/ 1 guard. Some of them still manage to escape.
maybe you need 2 gaurds per prisoner one for the day one for the night

i had 1000 guards and 250 prisoners so 2  guards for the day 2 for the night and noone escaped :grin:
General WVPM said:
yes 2500 per week
and how much of that went to pay for the guards?  :roll:

at a ratio of 4 guards to 1 prisoner that makes 10/week, the salaries of the guards need to be less than 2.5/week to make a profit...
If the only thing that matters is the numbers of guards it is better to use recruits, but even then you cannot have so many guards per slave to make this worth while.

If a salt slave makes 10/week regardless of his level that it makes sense to sell the high level prisoners to the slavers and put the low level ones to the mines. They will cover their slave market value in a few weeks, so you need to keep them there for at least 5-6 weeks (before they escape) to see any kind of advantage over just selling them.
But all the troops are still making money in the mine as opposed to being in your party.
It's more profitable to place an army there, since they make money and the place can't be besieged.

It's a win-win  :smile:
I usualy play as a lord of pengewrn.... it's so easy to be rich :grin: There is really a disadvantage to be far from salinae.

I know you don't want to add more of them around the map, but : maybe add the option to send prisoner to salinae by ransom broker in tavern, (but to add guards, you would have to put them yourself)... ?
i did make a profit but i hated it to capture those prisoners so can you add the option at the slave trader to BUY slaves :wink:
Adorno said:
But all the troops are still making money in the mine as opposed to being in your party.
It's more profitable to place an army there, since they make money and the place can't be besieged.

It's a win-win  :smile:
Wait. You mean the guards there also make money for you and do not get payed their regular salaries?!
No way you can make thousands of profit with a 4 to 1 ratio of guards on prisoners. I tried to make it profitble to have more guards then prisoners. No profit when you deduct the wages of guards (who don't work themselves in the mine so don't earn money) and prisoners still escape.
I usually put a max of 50 average guards there and then stuff it with prisoners of all sorts.
From 100 prisoners 20 or so escape but in 1 day I can replace them with more. That is more effective. my motto, let them escape as long as the money flows.
You can choose to work in the mines 1 day yourself. The soldiers in your party will work and earn as well then, but guards don't and your party will not be seen as guards of the mine.

Best way to make money though is to build a workplace in a town with cheap resources or place cheap recources in the inventory
of the place. It can get you up to 900-1000 profit each weak per workplace. If you place an iron works (often the best investment) for example you will earn back the 3500 investment in a month. This is the big money maker on the long term and allows you to create a steady income which you can cross of against a steady wage for large armys in several castles or your party.
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