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You: HIYA!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: HIYA!
Stranger: are you crazy?
You: No
You: I'm special
You: :3
Stranger: m/f?
You: Does it really matter?
Stranger: yeah
You: Like, if I am a girl it doesn't matter if I am crazy?
Stranger: yes
You: Then I pick female
Stranger: i pick female too
You: Do you need to do that because you are crazy as well?
Stranger: no
Stranger: you are the crazy one
You: Then what are you?
Stranger: i'm special too
Stranger: hahaha
You: Do you like cats?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: why?
You: Are you a catlady?
Stranger: no
Stranger: are you?
You: Not yet
Stranger: why not yet?
Stranger: are catguy?
You: I don't have a cat yet
Stranger: hahaha
You: My mom has a cat though
You: She can be a catlady
Stranger: your age is?
You: I'm superold
Stranger: me too
You: I'm like a dinosaur
Stranger: same like me..
Stranger: yeah
You: I'm like a pterosaur
Stranger: i`m trex
Stranger: u want 2 see me pretosaur?
You: sure, trex!
Stranger: okey
Stranger: nice
Stranger: just give me your facebook link
You: dinosaurs don't have facebook o_O
Stranger: oooo
Stranger: you lie
You: Here I am:
Stranger: i have a facebook
You: then you are clearly not a dinosaur!
Stranger: i`m rex
Stranger: trex
Stranger: the cute trex
You: You mean tyrannosaurus rex
Stranger: yeah baby
You: I'm not sure if I believe you
Stranger: why not?
You: what would a t-rex do with facebook?
Stranger: i`m not eat another dinasour
Stranger: just be friend
Stranger: you don`t want to be my friend?
You: I don't trust people that can eat me
Stranger: i`m the good trex
Stranger: not eat another dinasour
Stranger: you can trust me pretasour
You: hmm
Stranger: think and think
Stranger: i`m trex with no teeth
You: I think you will eat me a lot
You: in difference to a little
Stranger: i cant fly
Stranger: but you can make me fly
You: how?
Stranger: you have a wing and you can bring me when you fly
Stranger: i can fly with you
You: I'm sorry, but I think you are too fat and big
Stranger: no
You: not even an airplane can carry you
Stranger: i`m the tough one
Stranger: not a fat one like you
You: If I was fat I wouldn't be able to fly
Stranger: oo no
Stranger: you can fly because you have a wing
You: I got two wings
Stranger: you complete me pretasour
You: pterosaur :sad:
You: you don't even remember what I am :sad:
Stranger: sorry,i make a silly mistake
Stranger: hope you can forgive me
You: I have no forgiveness in my heart...
You: this means goodbye!
Stranger: sorry pterasour
Stranger: don`t leave me alone
Stranger: i don`t have another dinasour to be friend
You: Adios Tyrannosaurus Raymundo Rex! It is time for me to die...
You have disconnected.
I just got this pic from one chat:
So I have this great new way to rebuff the fools if you're bored one night on Omegle. Whenever they do something nonsensical, follow this example:

You: Good morning/afternoon/evening.
Stranger: afternoon
Stranger: hi
You: So... GMT +8 to GMT +12 ish?
Stranger: name
You: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'name' is not defined
Stranger: m/f
You: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'm' is not defined
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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I use Python as my language of choice, but basically send them Traceback and Error Code report since what they're saying doesn't make sense. I find it hilarious and witty, personally.

I HAD SUCH A GOOD THING GOING! What an *******.  :mad:
You: Well then... here we are.
You: It's been a long journey.
Stranger: so it appears.
You: We'll have a lot to tell once we get back.
Stranger: i know, how can we even put it into words?
You: It's a shame we lost so many along the way...
You: Not even the greatest poet will capture our tale.
You: For our tale must be lived, do you not agree?
Stranger: i agree. perhaps a movie... $$$ you know?
You: But would those charlatans and bourgeoisie back on Earth cheapen our tale? Or tale of hardship and suffering, of valour lost and found, of sacrifice, of honour and dishonour? Can we truly risk that?
Stranger: okay shakespeare.
You: (( I was going so well until the typo! Ugh. Or ---> Our ))
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: asl?
You: 38/f/sweden
You: you?
You: hello?
Stranger: 24m tx
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: how are you today?
You: I'm actually a bit tired
Stranger: Aren't swedish women always very pretty? :wink:
Stranger: Long night?
You: they say we are, maybe you want to judge for yourself?
Stranger: sure
You: just let me upload a picture
Stranger: alrighty
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: great tits
You: full body for you
Stranger: very nice
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: allo
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl
You: 167/t/pluto
You: did I do it right?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
No love for 167 year old transgendered people from Pluto it seems.
Stranger: fighting crime
Stranger: need back up u in
You: Yeah sure
You: lets do this
Stranger: grab this laser
You: Ok
You: now what?
Stranger: get on that building
You: *gets on building*
Stranger: shot the mathbots
You: *shoots mathbots and accidently hits Stranger in the arm*
You: sorry :sad:
i missed and it got ahold of me
Stranger: damn franky sure shoot u gotta stay focused
You: *laser explodes*

Stranger: im gonna get the bomb out of the building ur in
Stranger: damn it franky
Stranger: grow some more
You: Im sorry charles
Stranger: no franky no
Stranger: the bomb franky get down
You: *pours water onto hands and magicaly grows new ones*
You: *Jumps off building nd activates parachute*
Stranger:  *massive explosion behind frnky
Stranger: it was a nuke
You: *Song plays*
Cool guys dont look at explosions. They blow things up and the waaaalk away
Stranger: damn all jokes aside i was gonna type that but i didnt think u knew that song
You: Holy **** really?
You: lol
Stranger: for real lol
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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What the hell is this glorious thread doing here on the 2nd page?

Stranger: hii
You: Good day!
Stranger: m or F>??
You: I'm a true MF
You: I **** males.
You: You?
Stranger: MF??
You: Yea
Stranger: but i am ur father
You: Male****er
Stranger: ass hole
You: Okay.
You: That's weird
Stranger: im father of
You: My dad's dead.
Stranger: u nd all mf??
Stranger: dat's weried also 2 ur mothe
Stranger: r*mother
You: Weried?
Stranger: **** offf

I felt like sherlocking. I have to say that I was pretty close.  :razz:
You: Hey.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: how ya doin?
You: Pretty well, I guess.
Stranger: not sure ? ;p
You: Actually yea...
Stranger: whaddup?
You: The beer's awful.
Stranger: haha ;p get heineken ;d
You: Hah, are you from Holland?
Stranger: yeah ;d
You: I knew it.
You: You are also blond with blue eyes and you are slightly tall.
Stranger: no ;p not everyone here seems like that ;p
You: You have to be under 16/15 because you probably wouldn't drink Heineken, but the other beer from the same company.
You: Damn, you broke my deduction skills.
Stranger: haha , where are u from?
You: Slovakia.
Stranger: okay, how's it like there?
You: What do you mean?
You: Pretty warm outside.
Stranger: okay, never been there..
You: Ah.
You: Then, you would be astonished by all the hills we have here.
Stranger: why should i go there to see hills? ;p
You: You don't have to, but if you happened to be here, you would be astonished by them
Stranger: I'm not a nature guy
You: So you prefer fake tits as well?
Stranger: haha no ofcourse not, that's way diffrent ;p
You: Back to the looks. If you aren't blond, you probably have black hair, though you should still have blue eyes and be above 170cm. In case you ain't Asian, that is.
Stranger: i'm dark blond, brown eyes and 180cm
You: That's just balls breaking.
Stranger: why? ;p
You: Because I've never seen a Dutch looking like you.
You: And I've seen a lot of them.
Stranger: actually we're all diffrent
Stranger: only from north holland, they're blond and blue eyes
Stranger: and bright skin
You: But, are you at least under 16?
You: Just yes/no is enough.
Stranger: yes
Overlord- said:
I felt like sherlocking. I have to say that I was pretty close.  :razz:
You: Hey.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: how ya doin?
You: Pretty well, I guess.
Stranger: not sure ? ;p
You: Actually yea...
Stranger: whaddup?
You: The beer's awful.
Stranger: haha ;p get heineken ;d
You: Hah, are you from Holland?
Stranger: yeah ;d
You: I knew it.
You: You are also blond with blue eyes and you are slightly tall.
Stranger: no ;p not everyone here seems like that ;p
You: You have to be under 16/15 because you probably wouldn't drink Heineken, but the other beer from the same company.
You: Damn, you broke my deduction skills.
Stranger: haha , where are u from?
You: Slovakia.
Stranger: okay, how's it like there?
You: What do you mean?
You: Pretty warm outside.
Stranger: okay, never been there..
You: Ah.
You: Then, you would be astonished by all the hills we have here.
Stranger: why should i go there to see hills? ;p
You: You don't have to, but if you happened to be here, you would be astonished by them
Stranger: I'm not a nature guy
You: So you prefer fake tits as well?
Stranger: haha no ofcourse not, that's way diffrent ;p
You: Back to the looks. If you aren't blond, you probably have black hair, though you should still have blue eyes and be above 170cm. In case you ain't Asian, that is.
Stranger: i'm dark blond, brown eyes and 180cm
You: That's just balls breaking.
Stranger: why? ;p
You: Because I've never seen a Dutch looking like you.
You: And I've seen a lot of them.
Stranger: actually we're all diffrent
Stranger: only from north holland, they're blond and blue eyes
Stranger: and bright skin
You: But, are you at least under 16?
You: Just yes/no is enough.
Stranger: yes
/Overlord uses anal penetration!  It's super effective!  :lol:
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