Who is your favorite lord?

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Swadian : Haringoth and Delinard,
Rhodoks: /
Khergit: Asugan
Nords: Bulba, Haeda and Faarn
Vaegirs: Taisa and his father, Doru :grin:

I know i wrote a lot of them, but this is list of my favourites... why?

* Asugan Noyan - he have very nice castle ( with one of the best locations), and he is very good at combat
* Count Haringoth - cold hearted mother****er, but at least he is honest and he will not betray you, and of course, he is also very powerful
* Count Delinard - one of the most powerful and most influenced nobles in swadia ( he is also ordinary the field marshal of swadia - he or Klargus)
* Boyar Doru - i like him since the custom battles of original mount & blade :grin:
* Boyar Taisa - very cool nobleman, also very womanizing ( he usually catch a lady in first year of my coming to calradia :razz: )
* Jarl Haeda - sam as Doru, custom battle made me like him, but i like him also because he is an true warrior, he is not hiding behind his troops
* Jarl Faarn - he is not actually very special, but i admired him a lot. why? because when i was (in my previous savegame) leading rebel against King Ragnar, he was the first and only one to join my side.

P.S. and his property, Curin castle, had a very good location, and it's actually very nice castle, one of my favourites :wink:

* Jarl Bulba - young and unexpirienced jarl, but he is a good warrior and he always join my side when i ask him :grin:
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