Warband Info Sticky would be welcome

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I have been looking through the forums here for a summary of the features and how it will affect the core game.

Would anyone be so kind as to inform me and perhaps we could get a sticky with FAQ's regarding the expansion.

Will this enhance core Mount and Blade gameplay, or is it played seperately from the main title?
Is this multiplayer only?
In any event does it upgrade graphics, sounds, gameplay and add extra content for the singleplayer experience aswell?
What is the estimated release date?

KnightsTemplar said:

I have been looking through the forums here for a summary of the features and how it will affect the core game.

Would anyone be so kind as to inform me and perhaps we could get a sticky with FAQ's regarding the expansion.

Will this enhance core Mount and Blade gameplay, or is it played seperately from the main title?

Not announced yet.

Is this multiplayer only?

No, singleplayer is being improved too

In any event does it upgrade graphics, sounds, gameplay and add extra content for the singleplayer experience aswell?
What is the estimated release date?

Graphics and gameplay are both improved, not sure about sounds, definitely extra content for single player.
Estimated release date last time I heard is Q1 2010


Also, there is a thread about this somewhere out there, the problem is things change a lot since the game is still in beta.
You might find more info


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