[Viking Conquest] Uscita nuova patch 2.059

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...Ieri e' stata annunciata a sorpresa la nuova patch 2.059 per Viking Conquest...
...a due anni dalla precedente 2.054, questa nuova versione si rivela veramente molto piccola, ma risolve una buona parte dei bug segnalati negli ultimi tempi...

Viking Conquest 2.059 is live! As always, if you have the game on Steam or GOG then you should receive the update automatically, if not, you can access the patch and full installer under the download section at: https://www.taleworlds.com/en/Games/VikingConquest

- revised surrender dialog logic so town lords don't autosurrender above minimum to consider
- fixed probable string bug pillage monastery quest
- made mnu_castle_taken_native exit like the other options
- made player's stronghold follow his/her faction changes
- added warning about breaking the story game to cheat
- fixed camera on allied troops at Doccinga
- gave Pict females access to speed bonus in multiplayer
- fixed tournament spawning and initialization
- completed second outfit at tournaments
- now using actual fighters for tournament display

Fonte: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/viking-conquest-2-059.443240/
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