I'm going to use several scripts to improve gameplay in my mod. There were a lot of mini-mods lately, improving gameplay. If you have some suggestions, post them. Here's the list of current scripts:
1. Shield Bash, courtesy of Mirathei. You will be able to use shield, like "a weapon". Damage is not very big, but you can bring to the ground or knock out enemy. Very interesting feature, especially for this period.
2. Formations, courtesy of Mirathei. You will be able to use 3 formations: line, ranks and wedge. Another interesting script, useful for large battles.
3. Possiblity to die in battle, courtesy of me. There is 20% chance that you will fell in battle and return to main menu.
4. Combat abilites, courtesy of Chel. Rage, sprint and weapon focus are improving your skills, proficiences and abilities for one minute. You will also lose some experience.
5. Whistiling for player's horse, courtesy of Chel. After you dismount from horse, you can whistle for your horse, and he will come to you.
6. First aid, courtesy of me. If you have item "herbs" - which can be bought from merchant - you can heal yourself, health points will increase.
7. Forming patrols, courtesy of Geoffrey Ashe. You can make a patrol from your troops and give them orders like: follow me, patrol around, attack town etc.
8. Bandit bribery, courtesy of Geoffrey Ashe. Bandits will join you, if you give them some money.
9. Buying drinks in tavern, courtesy of Geoffrey Ashe. You can increase morale of your army, if you will buy drinks for them, in tavern. Skill "Tactics" decreases and your travelling speed is much more slower.
10. Proficiency reduction, courtesy of Garnier. "Here's a script I made to reduce the player's weapon proficiencies each week, so if you sit around not practising for too long, you lose your skill at arms. In this code:
If your proficiency is greater than 125, then you lose 2 points for every 25 more than 125 that you have. So if you have 150, you lose 2 points, if you have 400 you lose 12 points. ".
11. Buying ships and sailing, courtesy of me. You can buy ship in port towns and sail on the seas. You need to hire a ship captain, if you wish to embark.
12. Talk with village elder from menu, courtesy of me.
1. Shield Bash, courtesy of Mirathei. You will be able to use shield, like "a weapon". Damage is not very big, but you can bring to the ground or knock out enemy. Very interesting feature, especially for this period.
2. Formations, courtesy of Mirathei. You will be able to use 3 formations: line, ranks and wedge. Another interesting script, useful for large battles.
3. Possiblity to die in battle, courtesy of me. There is 20% chance that you will fell in battle and return to main menu.
4. Combat abilites, courtesy of Chel. Rage, sprint and weapon focus are improving your skills, proficiences and abilities for one minute. You will also lose some experience.
5. Whistiling for player's horse, courtesy of Chel. After you dismount from horse, you can whistle for your horse, and he will come to you.
6. First aid, courtesy of me. If you have item "herbs" - which can be bought from merchant - you can heal yourself, health points will increase.
7. Forming patrols, courtesy of Geoffrey Ashe. You can make a patrol from your troops and give them orders like: follow me, patrol around, attack town etc.
8. Bandit bribery, courtesy of Geoffrey Ashe. Bandits will join you, if you give them some money.
9. Buying drinks in tavern, courtesy of Geoffrey Ashe. You can increase morale of your army, if you will buy drinks for them, in tavern. Skill "Tactics" decreases and your travelling speed is much more slower.
10. Proficiency reduction, courtesy of Garnier. "Here's a script I made to reduce the player's weapon proficiencies each week, so if you sit around not practising for too long, you lose your skill at arms. In this code:
If your proficiency is greater than 125, then you lose 2 points for every 25 more than 125 that you have. So if you have 150, you lose 2 points, if you have 400 you lose 12 points. ".
11. Buying ships and sailing, courtesy of me. You can buy ship in port towns and sail on the seas. You need to hire a ship captain, if you wish to embark.
12. Talk with village elder from menu, courtesy of me.