SP Native Musket Era The new world, napoleonic calradia, New screens 05/20/2011!, Testers needed!

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I would like to volunteer to test too, though my time is limited and my PC is low-end.

i'll both send you the module file,
JDeNef13, that's good!, i need low end testers, because i think i might have hit the engine limits.
and if you could post reports in this thread about the gameplay and the progress it would be highly appreciated!

joseph590 said:
freak_oz said:
romicus said:
I want to be a tester please! :grin:

Can you contact me in a personal message with your specs and your msn?


I whould like to help you with some test please


Ps you ever gonna name the troops

This isn't a mod aiming to be of any historic value so;
no the troops aren't going to get historical accurate names.

Some news btw:
I hit the engine limits so i have to think about what next, the game gets véry laggy with the current systems in place.

- freak_oz
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