Regiment des Kaiserreichs - Recruiting

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The Regiment des Kaiserreichs or formerly known as the 42nd Konigsreicher Regiment are currently looking for new recruits. We are an english speaking regiment that focuses on the NA, EU and OC regions all of which has multiple events per week. This regiment has been around for over 5 years and still continues to grow. We currently have 7 event groups over 3 regions which adds up to a total of 14 events which include trainings sessions, line battles, campaign events and regimental game sessions and on the rare occasions Promotional Ceremonies.

We also roleplay as the Brandenburgische Infanterie-Regiment. We also conduct promotional ceremonies that are historically accurate for the Prussians which is all conducted in German. If you are interested in joining the regiment add me and send me a message and i will gladly get you in the Regiment Des Kaiserreichs. To find me on steam just type in "Kjartan" as if you were adding a friend and you should be able to find me.

Below is an informational video about the regiment
Hello There Adam,
When you are back online, feel free to message me and I'll get you recruited :smile:
Yours Sincerely
Hello everyone.

Since OP is no longer a member if our regiment, please add me instead if you wish to be recruited.
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