REF clan

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We fought and won a battle with WARBAND clan. Final score was 16:3 for REF. Thanks for a lot of fun and here are screenshots:





Sovellis, Libertine and Blackitt decide to leave clan  :cry:, I wish them good luck. Also Kikuchiyo after being suspended had left us.

Amoresso (it's really great to have him back  :smile:), Mat Berserker, Redlucas and Templariusz have been accepted into the clan as recruits.

Refesesesesesferes clan organized something great, u can check it out here:,135246.0.html
This thread deserve to be at first page  :lol:

It's been a while since last update...
I decided to leave clan, I'm to busy in RL, and I totally don't have time for playing Warband competitively  :???: Generally since last month I've played WB for an hour, maybe little more  :???: But I'm still spamming their forum  :lol:

It was a real pleasure to meet you all. See you on battlefield... some day... maybe.
Hail REF!

Many thanks for the game, it was a pleasure to fight you once more.

However, I would like to raise a point with you. We, as the Einherjar & Shieldings, have never regarded (nor heard of) the roof on Battle on Ice as a map glitch. It is easily accessible to the point of walking onto it, more so that it can be readily compared to standing on a rock in Ruins and so on, so forth. We respected your word and remained off that roof-top for the remainder of the game - however we do not respect you for this declaration. Consider this especially when, on numerous occasions, men of the REF were climbing beyond the invisible barriers on the mountain-side.

Nor did we wish to see members of your group abuse the chat to sling insults such as noobish and **** after one particular round where we forced a draw. It was disheartening to see, especially from a group whom we have (or had!) such good relations with.

For those whom are wondering as to the roof that I am mentioning, please see the screenshots. If this is regarded as a glitch comparable to that of the village map roof-tops (near the clothes line), then I have always been sorely mistaken about what is and what is not acceptable. Beyond this; I have nothing to say other than HEIL Men of Poland - it is always a pleasure.


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