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Checked your pockets? I do that sometimes :smile:

Although if I lose my £20 phone I don't really give a damn. Some company found me and is trying to get me to buy their products. They even tried getting pictures and links of porn to get me to see their stuff...of course I am made of better stuff than that.
I dropped my phone on the metro subway once, at the worst possible moment too. The halls were so crowded my fingers got crushed at least 30 times. It wasn't even worth it, I have one of those cheap pre-smartphone era slider phones (Still do, its bulletproof or something).
I've yet to shamelessly plug games here, so listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwCUFn_aNGs&list=PLPVeQ0vGaHL3e09Uml5lpW1KWL4M0bU3S and then go buy the damn game. I don't care if you don't like FPS games, just buy it. It's a damn civic duty.

Check out my friends youtube channel if you need something to watch :grin:

Metalfist said:
There was no need for that.

... I know Vitus is in school so it wasn't meant seriously. (E: Didn't think Vitus would take it seriously either)

Vitus, ask not what Canada can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for Canada!
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