Oneshotting horse?

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Often shooting an horse do not kill him... this is a little frustrating. Apart the fact that in real a shotted horse would die or be simply not able to fight, with the reload time of muskets, if my first hit do not stop the cav, he will likely kill me without problems... (or if not me, my friends)
Also it defy at all the purpose of a volley against a cav charge.

So i suggest to change it that a shot just kill an horse. We are no more in medieval age where we had armored horse against arrows!
As long as the horse is close enough and coming at you it'll mostly die in one hit in my experience. Otherwise just switch to bayonet and thrust at the horse if it keeps coming at you.
C'mon cavalry deserves at least a bit of chance... and I say decrease damage so it almost always costs 2 shots to kill a player to encourage melee.
I don't see why cavalry should have more of a chance. They are already severely overpowered and I'd prefer to see this become an infantry based mod.
Nikolai Alexandre said:
praise jeebus i agree with infantry based.  I'd be happy if they removed cav completely.

I wouldn't go as extreme as that, but I think cavalry are fine right now. It feels like one or two shots will always take down the horse - no more than two being necessary, and that allows cavalry that might just get a glancing blow to continue rather than make cavalry into -COMPLETE- glass cannons (which they are and should be, but to an extent).
Yeah but getting two shots on a horse can be extremely difficult with the poor accuracy of the musket and the fast speeds of the horse. It's usually luck when you hit the horse and if they keep cav then it should only take 1 shot to kill them
DarthJezus said:
Yeah but getting two shots on a horse can be extremely difficult with the poor accuracy of the musket and the fast speeds of the horse. It's usually luck when you hit the horse and if they keep cav then it should only take 1 shot to kill them
All cav with carbines also have the weakest horse, so only the melee based cavalry has any decent chance of surviving one shot, but they for the most part only have swords, so they're pretty much chanceless if you see them coming, seeing as the bayonet works like a spear.

Curassiers are the exception of course, but they're discouraged in normal play according to the rules.
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