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Uusi modi, NordInvasion julkaistiin jonkin aikaa sitten, ja sillä on noin 50 pelaajaa päivässä.

Modi on M&B Warbandin nettipeliin ja modin on luonut "Jez" joka sai idean yhdistää Invasion ja cRPG modit. Tekijällä on paljon ideoita modia varten, esim. kamppanja peli jossa on roolipeluuta ja hahmon kehitystä arveltuun tasoon 51 asti. NordInvasionissa on tarkoitus kehittää hahmoasi eri osa-alueissa ja tasoissa. Voit valita jalkamiehen, jousimiehen, hevosmiehen tai vaikka näiden sekoituksen. Tasoja saa taistelemalla jatkuvaa Nordien hyökkäystä vastaan ja porukkaa tappamalla.

Modi on hyvin aikaisessa vaiheessa ja tarvitsemme mahdollisimman monta tukijaa, joten jos sinulla on aikaa ja kiinnostusta niin tule kokeilemaan!  :wink:

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Don Doggy said:
Do not use Google Translator when advertising mods in Finn-forum. Matter of fact, don't advertise mods in Finn-forum.

What makes you think I used a translator and I that I do not speak Finnish myself?

SkyTime said:
This part of the forums is a dark place, like Mercenaries. Just not so stupid.

Better to stay out of it, while you still can  :lol:

After posting this, I have had a total of 6 people so far on my friends list saying ''You shouldnt of posted that in the Finnish forum, the moderator Jhessail is a complete *****.''...

lmao, I suppose it isnt the Finnish forum I should be afraid of... its the moderator?  :shock:
Some part of the text definately seems like it has been translated with google translator. And yes, usually advertising isn't the best idea. Unless it's a full Finnish mod by a Finnish member  :lol:
iLogiicz said:
After posting this, I have had a total of 6 people so far on my friends list saying ''You shouldnt of posted that in the Finnish forum, the moderator Jhessail is a complete *****.''...

lmao, I suppose it isnt the Finnish forum I should be afraid of... its the moderator?  :shock:

After posting this, I have had a total of six people, so far, from my friends list saying to me:
"You should not have posted that in the Finnish sub-forum, the moderator Jhessail is a complete *****."

Funny, I suppose it isn't the Finnish sub-forum I should be afraid of, it's the moderator?

Exactly. Do not spam language sub-forums unless you actually speak that said language. It's fairly obvious the OP was translated through Google.
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