Napoleonic DLC to Single Player?

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Would be too difficult to make and since I myself ain't a SP fan I don't really care. Just keep em epic MP servers coming.
BeanyUndead said:
This will seem a bit melodramatic but every time I play Multiplayer, I am crushed by two simple realities: 1) Multiplayer depends on players. I cannot enjoy the DLC half the time as nobody is online. The devs are wasting their creation. This will only get worse in the months ahead. As there is no Single Player mode, this gorgeous version of Warband will disappear into the ether. I have got to say that is very silly. 2) Simply allowing single player with the old Warband AI, buildings and map would be far far from perfect, but at least it would increase the longevity of the game and allow modders to finish the rest. Getting rid of SP all together is seriously misreading the market.

But the bottom line: Paradox! If you release Single Player for this DLC, I will pay for it! I will also pay a lot more than $10US.

No one is online? You sure you're playing a legit copy? There is almost always around 500-1000 people on in different game modes and different regional servers. I'm sure you can find one to satisfy you.

This seems a little silly to me. This mod has had a huge following since its concept, and it has only grown (and continues to do so - rather rapidly I might add). It hasn't disappeared into the ether for not having SP yet, and I highly doubt it will anytime in the near future.

I also don't see how the devs have "misread" the market. 99% of the people who would want this DLC want it for the Line Battles and wanting that sense of reenacting. Just because the last 1% who want single player are more vocal doesn't mean they're a majority.

In closing, I would like to say "I think I've just been trolled."

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this would be a great singleplayer mod..
i hope they developed it further, because a m&b on europe during napoleonic wars would be just awesome.
(people tend to feel more connected to games if they could actually relate to the concept - like europe map, their own countries as playable factions.. etc)
and after the fail of m&b with fire & sword singleplayer was we really could get some new kind of experience..,279.0.html (Released),195571.0.html,186724.0.html

So yeah, I dont think its needed...
I'm surprised there isn't a stickied thread redirecting to all the NW and Black Powder era single player mods in the works.

To be honest,the simplist way i can see to do a NW single player would be to mod With Fire and Sword (which supports modding now i believe) considering they have all the various AI scripts for NW style line battles which function correctly. The hard part is functioning Arty and destructable enviroments (not likely to happen,but they do have explosions from grenades so maybe some kinda grenade launcher thing)
Yes, a SP version would be a great addtion. I like SP better than MP, and it's a shame that those who think like me do not have the chance to play a great DLC like this one in SP.

All mods around about this era are either beta or not yet released.. So yes, we need a new NW mod...
lord_olafson said the following "Yes ofc you would be allowed, our whole singleplayer code is still in, you just need to reactivate it and can go on from there."
So I won't lose hope...
Pianist said:
lord_olafson said the following "Yes ofc you would be allowed, our whole singleplayer code is still in, you just need to reactivate it and can go on from there."
So I won't lose hope...

Yep. If you read the files in the folder "Scene Obj" or are a mapper ,you know that there are Single Player Scenes.
Look. Single Player mode is necessary. Not for any other reason than that it is a waste without it. :roll: A game is a waste of effort in development if it cannot be played. I tried to play last night and the biggest server load available anywhere (at 432 ping) had 17 people on. I cannot play it as there are too few people online. If it is dependant on other people for play then it MUST be more mainstream. The devs are hurting themselves by making it this way. Its extremely silly. If anyone who has not bought and game wants a recommendation...don't buy it until there is SP. Without it, the game is dead in a few months (or dead enough to be not worth it) and that means all the effort put into the awesome textures, cannon functionality and formations is wasted. So so silly.

PS If they release SP, I will be the first to buy it for almost any amount.
Or just do not go online in the middle of the night, when there is no one playing anymore.
lord_olafson said:
Or just do not go online in the middle of the night, when there is no one playing anymore.

you know that the earth is a ball? when it's night for someone, then it's day for someone else :razz:
The only lack of players i experienced is in the morning if you are european.
BeanyUndead said:
Look. Single Player mode is necessary. Not for any other reason than that it is a waste without it. :roll: A game is a waste of effort in development if it cannot be played. I tried to play last night and the biggest server load available anywhere (at 432 ping) had 17 people on. I cannot play it as there are too few people online. If it is dependant on other people for play then it MUST be more mainstream. The devs are hurting themselves by making it this way. Its extremely silly. If anyone who has not bought and game wants a recommendation...don't buy it until there is SP. Without it, the game is dead in a few months (or dead enough to be not worth it) and that means all the effort put into the awesome textures, cannon functionality and formations is wasted. So so silly.

PS If they release SP, I will be the first to buy it for almost any amount.

It's funny that none of this "Without single player, this will die" didn't exist with MM. MM never died either, even with being out for ages with no single player.

I'd say a good 90% of the players of this mod don't really give a crap that there is no single player. Its just that those who do care are a ton more vocal about it.
Umm 90%? I image the discussion on the servers the other night would make your Statistic pulled from thy arse wrong. If you don't care why even post? Is silly.

I would pay for a DLC single player of NW
Kegger said:
BeanyUndead said:
Look. Single Player mode is necessary. Not for any other reason than that it is a waste without it. :roll: A game is a waste of effort in development if it cannot be played. I tried to play last night and the biggest server load available anywhere (at 432 ping) had 17 people on. I cannot play it as there are too few people online. If it is dependant on other people for play then it MUST be more mainstream. The devs are hurting themselves by making it this way. Its extremely silly. If anyone who has not bought and game wants a recommendation...don't buy it until there is SP. Without it, the game is dead in a few months (or dead enough to be not worth it) and that means all the effort put into the awesome textures, cannon functionality and formations is wasted. So so silly.

PS If they release SP, I will be the first to buy it for almost any amount.

It's funny that none of this "Without single player, this will die" didn't exist with MM. MM never died either, even with being out for ages with no single player

I'd say a good 90% of the players of this mod don't really give a crap that there is no single player. Its just that those who do care are a ton more vocal about it.

First, I did not say 'without single player this will die' I said that it would be 'dead enough not to be worth it'. Last night, again, the largest server population I could see was 21/200 with a ping below 350. 90% of players huh? Where did you get that number? Did you know that 23% of all statistics are made up by people on the spot trying to prove a point?  A ton more vocal? Well yes, because we are pointing out that something is missing. People are not usually vocal about affirming absences. I would find it very strange to see someone post "I really like the way the devs have not included single player. The game is like so awesome without it". That is why we seem more vocal. So with that behind us, again I say that Napoleonic DLC could really benefit from single player and its absence is silly. It would improve the life of the game and ensure that the awesome graphical work and the new mechanics are not wasted. And, the bottom line is, people would pay for it. 
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