Nanny beats 11 months old baby

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Seff said:
Too early? He's either nearing or already past 30 years of age.

I'll be turning 30 this summer

I'm afraid of the horrible 3 as the first numbre of my age.

My gf came around after the birth of our daughter.

And because... well, I'm ashamed of this, but I resolved to domestic violence once in our relationship and hit her a few times with one of my crutches.

I sought professional help after that tough to handle my anger problems

Whenever I feel anger boiling now, I give myself a break and go away for 5 minutes to smoke a cigarette

Dryvus said:
Probably that rage-inducing World Wide Internet was the cause.

All this talk of other people getting to hit babies is really making him jealous. Damn Interwebs.
fisheye said:
Dryvus said:
Probably that rage-inducing World Wide Internet was the cause.

All this talk of other people getting to hit babies is really making him jealous. Damn Interwebs.

Are you implying I have a wish to hurt my own child?

you sick bastard
No, he was implying you have a wish to hurt *a* child. Not (necessarily) your own. :razz:

I know I have that wish at times. Children can be so damn annoying. >:C
I know right? Going home from the work orientation this little kid starts bawling and making a ****ing loud noise. There was only 3 ways to shut them up. One was to hit them till they lost consciousness or make them laugh/ distract them. My job description is basically to distract children and make them believe English is the **** so I sung 'Never gonna give you up' by Rick Astley (first song off the top of my head) in order to distract that baby and make me a hero. Fortunately it worked and I wasn't left singing like an idiot with a baby crying out of tune. But it sure as hell would have been a lot easier to beat the baby senseless.
Temujin said:
And the rape thing kind of happened, a few years ago, at a party among teens in the Netherlands, a 16 year old girl was given lots of alcohol, and then peer pressured to take her clothes off, get into a bathtub and start fingering herself whilst a few of the teens filmed her with their cellphones, it was then shared via Kazaa and MSN file sharing.

Temujin said:
Last year or the year ago, it was uncovered that a lot of Belgian girls around 13 to 17 years old, would perform sexual acts in front of webcams for men they hardly knew in exchange for them charging 15€ on their cell phones.

Gang rapes and some form of teenage prostitution have happened through ages and probably happen right at this moment.
This is not caused by internets and internets doesn't dramatically increase that.
All the Internet is is another form of communication.
The **** has happened before in some way or another.
And if there's some new method developed in the future, it'll probably be used for all the **** too.
Can I get your Autograph?
Hyperion said:
You sick, spineless bastard!
You rickrolled a baby! Of all the possible defenceless targets, you go after a damn child!
You should be ashamed of yourself.

What can I say, I had rick on the mind.
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