My Channel for Reading Historical Languages

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I started this channel about nine months ago in order to read in historical languages and display what dead languages Earth has to offer:

Interesting project, do you just read the languages or do you also translate?

And yeah, link doesn't work, I think newbies aren't allowed to post links right away but the URL doesn't work either. Provide the name of the channel maybe?
A bit of both!

And you're right, the link doesn't seem to be working. My channel is called "AB" so you won't easily find it, but you can find links to my videos at my subreddit named /r/AlphaBetaHistory!
Very interesting channel! I especially liked the one with a Virginian 18th century accent, the Gaulish and the Italic ones. I don't think I've heard that before.
I'll link to the channel:

You reminded me of a channel I used to follow of a guy who would read Phoenician. It's unfortunately dead now but there are some videos there.
And there's one with some very beautiful and quite accurate readings of Ancient Greek.
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