Lords With Unique Army Composition

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  I have read a few posts detailing certain lords that have an uncommon composition of units, with Caliph Hamid and his merry band of Scorpion Assassins being the one most mentioned. This leads me to wonder- what other lords have this trait? Will they always spawn with that ratio of units after their warband has been wiped out? It would be interesting to find out which lords fall under this category, for no reason other than having the option to earmark them for lords to increase your reputation with so you can recruit them for your kingdom later.
I'm like 80% certain of this, but all factions have exactly three Duke/Caliph ranked commanders that typically control a town.  They have special household troops like Djah Archers or Marleons Heavy Cavalry.  It's definitely worth building a reputation with them, or at least trying to rescue-collect their troops for fun.
One notable exception is Sarleon lords sometimes like to stack some high quality Pendor troops at times too.  I'm not sure of the name but one Lord really likes Pendor Greys...little bit more effective than standard Sarleon bowmen :razz:

little bit............... there are a sizable number of people who think greys are better than rangers and some people even preferthem over silvermists
Any Lord who gets a town has claims the right to field household troops. As towns used to be handed out to the same lords over and over in every new game and fiefs are dealt out randomly, the same lords usually have the same household troops.

The ratio stays the same though numbers relate on direct wealth of the lord in question. Means he´ll have more of them (and a larger party in total) if he owns a richt town, and less of them if he owns no fief or a poor village.

To furtherly spice it up, there are a few lords around who haven´t got a town but still have household troops :wink:

Not to mention the varying party composition of the standard lords - some prefer cavalry, some infantry, some archers, some equally mixed troops to keep the fighting challenge going depending on the players gamestyle instead of making any mid or lategame fighting the native Swadian Knight F3 spam joke.

Oh yeah, some lords can really get on your nerves. Sometimes you see a lord with 150 men and attack him.....but ......those western knights never stoped coming!!! In mid or late game some lords with big mercenary armies start making trouble. 40 jatu mercenaries, maiden high tier, rogue knights and other troops. The only troops i haven't seen on them are minor factions.
The d'share are good at this since after they are defated their default army has a few scorpion assassins....the ones with horses sometimes like to charge, get their horse killed and after that lure the player into a trap:-"
I say watch every lord because some are on overdrive and you would like them in the kingdom of Pendor, some people complain that their lords are weaker:p
Just to name one: Lord Sidious(Sidonius), some lords are stronger, smarter than the rest of the would-be army generals
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