How about adding various War Horns ?

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Celtic Carnyx
Imagine hearing and seeing Battanians carrying these ( maybe a seperate troop ) and playing these when they sound off their attack command
War Horn
Imagine hearing this sounding off a sturgian charge.

War Drums, Trumpets for the Empire, and i'm talking, so we can see them, just a little detail that i think still can add alot to the experience. Maybe make the trumpet carriers recruitable in Empire castles, while maybe a Battanian Carnyx carrier/ Sturgian War Horn carrier / War Drummer can be recruitable in Taverns?

Detail by detail we I hope we will all be able piece together a game that we will all want and love to play when it finally does release.
Would be cool. Some battles I think i do hear horns but could be my imagination. Drums, horns, would be a party on the battlefield!
It likely will, through mods or from TW. At the very least some modder will likely try and bring them from Viking Conq. (not easily, but surely possible, despite different engines).
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