Need More Info Crash when pressing N

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Yes, I used mods.
Summary: After the new patch 1.5.9, my game crashes when I press N for encyclopedia
How to Reproduce: Just press N
Have you used cheats and if so which: No cheats but I have mods installed.
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Which mods are you using? Most likely one of your mods mapped the "N" key for something. If not, try deleting this file
C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\BannerlordGameKeys.xml
I have a feeling that it might be the detailed character creation mod. I changed a guys look, and on the clan page he has the new look, but on the inventory screen he has the old one.

I reverted to 1.5.8, and it works now.
Detailed Character Creation has not released an update on nexus, but a pre-release version for 1.5.9 can now be downloaded from github, you can try it out on 1.5.9, so far it's working fine with me.
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Hello please let me know if the problem persists on a new campaign after removing or updating the mod files and verifying the integrity of the game files.
Well it works now after a mod update, but now the game froze while loading into my first castle siege after the update..
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