Cities: Skylines - New Expansion "Mass Transit"

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I'm pretty stoked for this too. It seems to basically be a version of SimCity that doesn't suck. I was so disappointed when that game turned out to be a pile of crap. I want a good city builder already, dammit. It's been more than a decade since SC4, and that was the last good one IIRC.
Comrade Temuzu said:
Looks pretty great, if a bit simplistic. Also good to see more Finnish developers making games.

It's really not that simplistic though. I watched a city of 130,000 people crumble because the streams (Quill1:cool: had completely contaminated his ground water with industry and crematoriums (AKA dead people). His population fell to about 30,000 and had to reload because he killed so many people. Ambulances and hearses just couldn't keep up with the rapid amount of dying sick.

It was hilarious. It also proved that later on the game can still be a challenge.
Looking forward to this, will probably buy it after release if it's any good.
jacobhinds said:
Interesting; I saw it on a few youtube videos. But damn, Simcity 4 has put my standards way too high. Prolly not gonna get this unless there's an active modding community.

People are already modding the game which is a good sign. (Those with press release invitations)
I can't adequately express how hyped I am for this game. I've been watching streams too and I'm just so damn impressed with the game. I want it now!
It's looking like something similar to Simcity. Best luck, tracking...
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