Modded Child turns 8 but clicking on the notification crashes the game

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Yes, I used mods.
Summary: Game crashes after clicking on the notification when my eldest child turns 8.
How to Reproduce: Just wait until my child turns 8...?
Have you used cheats and if so which: Cheat mode disabled (no console, etc), but I have mods installed.
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Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 11 (Family)
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
GPU Driver Version:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32go
Motherboard: B450 TOMAHAWK MAX II (MS-7C02)
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): CT1000MX500SSD1 and TOSHIBA HDWD220

Yes I use mods, they are all working and up to date (at least according to Steam and Vortex), here is the list I found on the crash report:

My game is currently at Spring 5, 1095, which means everything worked fine until I encountered this issue. I didn't have any similar crash on previous child education stages (for all the children), this is the first time I'm experiencing this problem.

On the crash report the "Involved Modules" tab says:
  • Sandbox
    • Method: virtual System.Void SandBox.GauntletUI.GauntletEducationScreen::TaleWorlds.Core.IGameStateListener.OnActivate()
      Frame: void SandBox.GauntletUI.GauntletEducationScreen.TaleWorlds.Core.IGameStateListener.OnActivate() (IL Offset: 195)
      HarmonyIssue: False
  • Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx
    • Method: static System.Boolean Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx.Patches.ViewModelPatch::ExecuteCommandPatch(System.Object __instance, System.String commandName, System.Object[] parameters)
      Frame: void TaleWorlds.Library.ViewModel.ExecuteCommand_Patch1(ViewModel this, string commandName, object[] parameters) (IL Offset: -1)
      HarmonyIssue: False

I have disabled all the mods depending on Bannerlord.UIExtenderEX or/and Bannerlord.Harmony, which are ImprovedExecutions, Cultured Start, Diplomacy, DestroyKingdom, DynaCulture, ChangeLeader, Kaoses Tweaks and Family Tree.

I have also verified the files integrity on Steam.

Sadly the game keep crashing when I click on this very notification.
PS: I have just opened a ticket and sent my save.

My crash report:


Thank you for your time 🙏
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Hey, we do not offer support for mods or modded games. Can you please try to reproduce the issue on a new campaign after manually removing the mod files and verifying the integrity of the game files? If the issue is persistent please let me know.
Hello and thanks for the quick reply 🙌

I removed all the mods, verified the integrity of the game files, started a new campaign, enabled the cheat mode, used the console command "campaign.conceive_child" (it's a test after all), then disabled the cheat mode and waited 8 in-game years.

I didn't experience the issue this time when clicking on the 8yo notification.

Which means one of the mods might indeed causes the crash.


I know you don't offer support for modded games, which is fair. But Bannerlord allows modders to tweak the game since day one (more or less). And it's not a mystery some mods bring great features the vanilla game should offers itself. Not having some of them is frustating and, to be fair, without mods I wouldn't play Bannerlord anymore.

I did try once a vanilla campaign, but honestly I can't get into in a dynasty where my children are physically clones of their parents, because there isn't any way to edit them, even a little bit. I could also talk about converting good soldiers as companions, marry anyone, have female soldiers, a more dynamic world, etc. These are few examples amongst many others features I consider missing, such a shame for a great game.

The only reason I use mods is to improve immersion. But the price to pay is kind of annoying: instability lurking in the corner and a crowd of players begging for holy updates.

If only Bannerlord could implement some of these wonderful modders ideas to the game in a stable version. Of course it's a tricky debate. Sounds like stealing others work, but at least good modders could be rewarded or/and officially credited. Imagine: stable new features, superstars modders and happy players, sounds like fun for everyone, isn't it ? I'd gladly pay for a couple of expansions.

Just an average player's opinion, but I'm clearly off topic right now hehe...

Anyway, I won't post on every mods pages to ask the same question over and over, endlessly hoping someone will take a moment to answer on Steam/Nexus/Reddit/whatever. Too time consuming for little results. Time I have already spent trying to find a solution, before ending up posting my own thread on this very forum.

I'm also currently asking people on Nexus about UIExtenderEX and Harmony causing this issue, another bottle thrown in the ocean...

I have opened a ticket and provided all the informations I could (save file, crash uploader details and the mods list), please can you at least run some tests or just give me a hint to figure out which mod is causing the issue ? Just point me to the right direction and I'll ask the correct modder for a solution.

Sorry if this whole post sounds demanding, it isn't my intention, I just love my game and I'm not ready to give up on it yet, but it looks like I'm running out of options right now. I clearly don't know what else to do...
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