In Progress Captain's mode loses troop bonus if a player joins the second match starts

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I'm not sure if anyone at Taleworlds is aware but if a captains mode match has a 5v6 and a 6th person joins the moment the match starts they won't be spawned in at all and the troop bonus will also be negated, its game breaking practically ensuring a loss. Another thing they messed up the mute chat, permanent mute is for sure messed, I think regular mute is also messed up, and theres no way to mute the quick commands (o button) that should go in with muting someone.

Edit: I also think some javelin units will continue to throw when I use hold fire command and shield wall quickly after throwing a few volleys of javelins, leading to a lot of damage from arrows. Also feel like AI javelin throwing is slightly off (they aim kinda high) but maybe it'd be too strong with any more lock on ability
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