Native Completed Blademaster Duel Tournament -Complete-

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Due to Hokej being banned for auto blocking on the Ludus (default server for the tournament) and many reports of autoblocking i am unable to accept his application
_Osiris_ said:
Due to Hokej being banned for auto blocking on the Ludus (default server for the tournament) and many reports of autoblocking i am unable to accept his application

I am interested if there is any evidence of him hacking? If someone is actually using hacks, or has used hacks in any form before, they should be permanently shut off from any form of competition or play. However, if we ban people based on words then it turns into a witch hunt.
Momchilo said:
_Osiris_ said:
Due to Hokej being banned for auto blocking on the Ludus (default server for the tournament) and many reports of autoblocking i am unable to accept his application

I am interested if there is any evidence of him hacking? If someone is actually using hacks, or has used hacks in any form before, they should be permanently shut off from any form of competition or play. However, if we ban people based on words then it turns into a witch hunt.

it avoids drama.
_Osiris_ said:
Due to Hokej being banned for auto blocking on the Ludus (default server for the tournament) and many reports of autoblocking i am unable to accept his application

Thats ridiculous. There was no evidence, that he is or was cheating. Only because someone - AEs said so, doesnt mean he is cheating.
But when theres evidence of DL cheating, theres no one to ban him on Ludus/IG/AE_Warband like they did to Hokej. Hilarious.
Was not only AEs who brought him to my attention. I have no need or reason to start posting videos and lists of why he is banned on ludus that you won't believe.
If you disagree drop out of the tournament in protest or something. The darklight matter was closed AFAIK and has nothing to do with me.
_Osiris_ said:
Was not only AEs who brought him to my attention. I have no need or reason to start posting videos and lists of why he is banned on ludus that you won't believe.
If you disagree drop out of the tournament in protest or something. The darklight matter was closed AFAIK and has nothing to do with me.

Wouldnt believe? Post here a video like Sponge did and I would believe. But whatever, I said what I wanted to say.
Respect the decision instead of acting like community-caring people everytime admins are on the verge of something critical and you guys pretend to be people's hero. Enough is enough.
Efe Karacar said:
Respect the decision instead of acting like community-caring people everytime admins are on the verge of something critical and you guys pretend to be people's hero. Enough is enough.

I do respect it. If I wouldn't, I'd start a Third Forum War.
Clarified the following rule:

:- All duels will be fought as a first to 10. any server maybe used if both parties agree to it, if unable to agree the default server shall be The Ludus. (note you need to supply a good reason for not agreeing ie high ping)

Valid reasons will be up to admins.

Also Sign ups close on thursday
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