Begging for some kind of change to lords decision to joing factions

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With ten persuade and 100 relations and around 300 reputation (and 3k renown), I cannot get a single lord to join my kingdom. It is getting completely ridiculous at this point. I have a ton of land I'm doing nothing with because I can't get anyone to join me. Everyone calls me week when I have around three times the number of men of the kingdom who's lords I'm trying to convince. I am flat out lost in what I'm supposed to do.

I don't have any trouble in native or the other mod I play (PoP), so what is going on here?
Same issue here mate, my renown isn’t that high but would think I could change a vassals mind.

I did get one lord to join me though, but his kingdom was nearly destroyed, and the second and last vassal of the same kingdom joined me after destroying their kingdom. Other than that no success, got the village’s and castles for more vassals, but nobody to take them. And I am not giving them all to my current two vassals, guess your friendship gets a big penalty when you take a fief away from them. So just keeping the extra villages to myself until new vassals arrive  :wink:

PS: What happens with a former king? Does he just disappear forever?
My persuasion skill is just like Stratigo on level 10, not to sure what my reputation ore renown level is though less then Stratigo I know that much lol.
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