Ban Dominic

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Basically at around 21:50 UK time in EU1 (and in a long time running up to it) this player would spawn with a grenade and kill his own team, he did it every round for an extended period and then hunted his teammates in melee. Without the option to poll him we were stuck with him, I believe a player went to try and find an admin but nothing happened so i assume it failed.

I did not take screenshots because i was fully expecting that someone else had and would make a post here as i wasnt registered until just now. You can see in the logs anyone on EU1 between 9:30pm and 10pm can confirm what happened. Based on the logs you can truly assess that this wasnt just a few cases of teamkilling, this was outright trying to kill his whole team at the start of a round, every round.

I know in a certain other mod something of this magnitude would warrant a permanent ban. Something to consider. I'm sorry for the lack of screens, i didnt expect it'd be me making this thread, but since none has been made yet i thought someone should put something together, other players can find this and post here if they have any screens (i hope they do, unless the logs are sufficient, which they should be quite evident - he made no pretense of doing anything other than deliberately make the server unplayable for whatever team he spawned on).

Finally, you want players to keep playing your mod and test this, i understand that. Also i dont think any of us are adverse to a bit of fun. But without ban polls or any available admins we were stuck with being killed at the start of every round, or watching our enemy die at the start of every round. Nobody wants to keep playing a mod where players can do that.
There is indeed records of ticks with team killing behaviours:


The times are UTC

But there is nothing here that would match your description, there is like 5 record of bad behaviours in a 4 hours window on EU_1 (it's every ticks so every minutes).
The -14 on EU_2 is pretty ****ed up and I wonder if it's not a bug confirmed it's a bug (sometimes the kills/deaths values are ****ed up).

With just that I can't ban someone, I would need a screenshot or chat log consistent with your story.

I can't access the game server logs just now and I don't even know what these look like, gotta wait for Sebastian (the warband guy).
witnessed that , Alpson got some screenshots (i presume) and if that helps to punish him i'll contact him later to post here.
he (dominic) later said his older brother messed with the game , was a pretty funny and not very original  excuse if you ask me  :mrgreen:
GuiKa said:
With just that I can't ban someone, I would need a screenshot or chat log consistent with your story.

I can't access the game server logs just now and I don't even know what these look like, gotta wait for Sebastian (the warband guy).

Yeah, it's weird that only one instance is shown relevant to that time-frame on your log.

The chat log will be clear as day, 5 TKs at the start of a round simultaneously, then assorted ones afterwards with out reactions and various incriminating statements from Dominic. Then the exact same thing 2 mins later etc etc.

Still cant believe of all the people in the server taking screens that i'm the one who had to create this thread -.-
Sniger said:
id spam my SS button to death lol wish i had been there :/

The only reason i didnt was because i was assured so many others were taking them! Lol, i expected a ban thread within moments, but there wasnt one so we get my half-assed attempt instead. Someone will have some, and as i said, there is no denying the chatlog in this instance.
I confirm this.
I don´t got screen either, but for real. The most Fenris knowing me good and you can trust me in that point that Dominic was killing people with a grenade or meele all the time.
Later i was leaving cause of it. He destroyed all the fun...

Dominic did say that his elder brother forced himself onto the computer and played in his stead. You will have to talk to him about that :smile: I hope he doesn't get banned because this is very much mout of Dominic's character as we have played quite a few hours on this mod together now, he never broke rules before.
Lord Katsumoto said:
Dominic did say that his elder brother forced himself onto the computer and played in his stead. You will have to talk to him about that :smile: I hope he doesn't get banned because this is very much mout of Dominic's character as we have played quite a few hours on this mod together now, he never broke rules before.

If this is to be a regular occurence, technically banning him would also ban his older brother.

I know it must be true at least 1 time in 100 (and this time might be that 1), but still, the brother excuse man...
The fact that his elder brother is responsible is irrelevant. If the character did something bannable the character will be banned.

I've finished developing a banning system way better that the ****ty other way we had until now.

So we'll take measure as the new patch is deployed, a few days ban for all trolls would do it.
Heskeytime said:
Sniger said:
id spam my SS button to death lol wish i had been there :/

The only reason i didnt was because i was assured so many others were taking them! Lol, i expected a ban thread within moments, but there wasnt one so we get my half-assed attempt instead. Someone will have some, and as i said, there is no denying the chatlog in this instance.

Oh, i doubt you not :smile:
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