The Shadow

The world is set one thousand, three hundred and seventy seven years ago within the historical time line of man otherwise known as Anno Domini Nostri Iesu DCXXIII.
The stage is Rhōmanía (The Eastern Roman Empire). The lands of the Romaioi or 'Romans' have suffered greatly from the ravages of war with the Persians to the east, prominent ancient cities such as Jerusalem and Antioch and Alexandria have succumb to capture. Yet in the midst of all this strife a cloud is forming in the West. A Barbarian horde of Scyths who claim the prestigious name of 'Avaroi' grow stronger and more demanding with the passing of each new year. Ton Graikon 'the Greeks' have but one hope and that hope lay with their Imperator, Herakleios looked to as though a savior after assuming control some years back upon supplanting the tyrant Phocas. Herakleios has initiated a campaign of retaliation rather than war of attrition over lost provinces. With strategic diplomacy and he has sown a new treaty with the Avars in order to turn and plunge deep into Persian territory in attempt to strike at very the heart of the enemy.
For the Romans to regain supremacy of Mikra Asia (Asia Minor) they must not spread too thinly their forces, nor place all eggs into one basket (so to speak) while being shadowed on all sides by those with an eye for the Imperial fortune.
In this world you will find all manners of men and their Gods. From the legendary Kings and their Queens who rule over the cities of old to the warriors and wandering tribesmen of the steppe, to the wisest of the magi in the East... there will be much to keep you engrossed with epic drama yet to be realized...
The stage is Rhōmanía (The Eastern Roman Empire). The lands of the Romaioi or 'Romans' have suffered greatly from the ravages of war with the Persians to the east, prominent ancient cities such as Jerusalem and Antioch and Alexandria have succumb to capture. Yet in the midst of all this strife a cloud is forming in the West. A Barbarian horde of Scyths who claim the prestigious name of 'Avaroi' grow stronger and more demanding with the passing of each new year. Ton Graikon 'the Greeks' have but one hope and that hope lay with their Imperator, Herakleios looked to as though a savior after assuming control some years back upon supplanting the tyrant Phocas. Herakleios has initiated a campaign of retaliation rather than war of attrition over lost provinces. With strategic diplomacy and he has sown a new treaty with the Avars in order to turn and plunge deep into Persian territory in attempt to strike at very the heart of the enemy.
For the Romans to regain supremacy of Mikra Asia (Asia Minor) they must not spread too thinly their forces, nor place all eggs into one basket (so to speak) while being shadowed on all sides by those with an eye for the Imperial fortune.
In this world you will find all manners of men and their Gods. From the legendary Kings and their Queens who rule over the cities of old to the warriors and wandering tribesmen of the steppe, to the wisest of the magi in the East... there will be much to keep you engrossed with epic drama yet to be realized...
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Team Leaders:
Armatus (Creative Writing, Public Relations)
Bolkonsky (Scripting, Management)
Gothic Knight (3D Art, Research)
3D Art
LDKsoldier (Retired - 3D Graphics)
Brego (3D Graphics)
Lord Tryko (3D Graphics)
erdem_10 (3D Graphics)
CounterPoint391 (3D Graphics)
Ratbag (2D Graphics)
abbews (2D Graphics)
Modelers Wanted
Texturers Wanted
Coding & Scripting
Bolkonsky (Scripting Lead)
Dewy (Coding, Scripting)
Creative Writing
Aenima (Retired Writer - NPC development)
Cornelius Plautus (Writer - NPC, Quest development)
JerichoOnlyFan (Writer - NPC, Quest development)
Legio (Writer - NPC development)
Nazgûl Killer (Retired Writer - NPC, Quest development)
NikeBG (Researcher - Avars, Steppe peoples)
Ronin04 (Researcher - Persian military, language)
kemikaze1234 (Retired Researcher - Avars, Kokturks)
AnthoniusII (Adviser - Greco military, language)
Temae (Retired Researcher - Lombards, Goths)
Magister Militum FlaviusAetius (Adviser - Roman military)
Researchers Wanted
eviljezza (Testing)
WiSe-GuY (Testing)
Testers Wanted
Misc. Credits
Arch3r (Scripting Help)
|BalamiR| (Anatolian Map)
explorer (Hood model)
foxyman - (Form Ranks Module)
gutekfiutek (Polished Landscapes)
Jubal_Barca (Sea Battles Base Kit)
Lumos (Outposts Base Kit, Scripting Help)
Maяcel (Textures)
Merlkir (Research - Samo, Slavs)
Mirathei (Sea Battles Base Kit)
NE3 Team (Spear Brace Kit)
NikeBG (Research - Avar, Bulgar)
Raglan (Roman shield)
Ratbag (Promo Banner)
Remlap (Scale mail texture)
Subuatai de Bodemloze (Promo Banner)
Swagger (Custom skies)
James (Flying Missile Pack)
CptJoker (Real Water Mod)
Lucke189 (Realistic Colors Mod)
Thick1988 (Blood Mod, Heavy Hooves Mod)
Checkmaty (More Metal Mod)
If you're not listed above, and you contributed, please notify me! I'll add you to the list!
Armatus (Creative Writing, Public Relations)
Bolkonsky (Scripting, Management)
Gothic Knight (3D Art, Research)
3D Art
LDKsoldier (Retired - 3D Graphics)
Brego (3D Graphics)
Lord Tryko (3D Graphics)
erdem_10 (3D Graphics)
CounterPoint391 (3D Graphics)
Ratbag (2D Graphics)
abbews (2D Graphics)
Modelers Wanted
Texturers Wanted
Coding & Scripting
Bolkonsky (Scripting Lead)
Dewy (Coding, Scripting)
Creative Writing
Aenima (Retired Writer - NPC development)
Cornelius Plautus (Writer - NPC, Quest development)
JerichoOnlyFan (Writer - NPC, Quest development)
Legio (Writer - NPC development)
Nazgûl Killer (Retired Writer - NPC, Quest development)
NikeBG (Researcher - Avars, Steppe peoples)
Ronin04 (Researcher - Persian military, language)
kemikaze1234 (Retired Researcher - Avars, Kokturks)
AnthoniusII (Adviser - Greco military, language)
Temae (Retired Researcher - Lombards, Goths)
Magister Militum FlaviusAetius (Adviser - Roman military)
Researchers Wanted
eviljezza (Testing)
WiSe-GuY (Testing)
Testers Wanted
Misc. Credits
Arch3r (Scripting Help)
|BalamiR| (Anatolian Map)
explorer (Hood model)
foxyman - (Form Ranks Module)
gutekfiutek (Polished Landscapes)
Jubal_Barca (Sea Battles Base Kit)
Lumos (Outposts Base Kit, Scripting Help)
Maяcel (Textures)
Merlkir (Research - Samo, Slavs)
Mirathei (Sea Battles Base Kit)
NE3 Team (Spear Brace Kit)
NikeBG (Research - Avar, Bulgar)
Raglan (Roman shield)
Ratbag (Promo Banner)
Remlap (Scale mail texture)
Subuatai de Bodemloze (Promo Banner)
Swagger (Custom skies)
James (Flying Missile Pack)
CptJoker (Real Water Mod)
Lucke189 (Realistic Colors Mod)
Thick1988 (Blood Mod, Heavy Hooves Mod)
Checkmaty (More Metal Mod)
If you're not listed above, and you contributed, please notify me! I'll add you to the list!
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Mount&Blade is a product of Taleworlds Entertainment, All rights reserved.
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