Taleworlds is seeking to increase their documentation on asset creation and is interested in the help from the modding community. This thread is meant to organize and collect modders' questions on the topic. Participation from the community will allow a larger encompassing documentation for all.
The current collection of questions can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xvYs6UXQjZNFqaTnEbGaVCpHGVQ7Hwuj01WasTGbPpk/edit?usp=sharing
If you have questions about asset creation, post below. Formatting the questions and separating it from any comments would be appreciated. Categorize your questions using the headers or topics below. If you are unsure if your question is relevant, or unsure about it's categorization, ask anyways. The questions will be reviewed before being made presentable. Please focus on the questions and keep discussion to a minimum.
Resource Browser
Using the Resource Browser for asset creation or implementation.
Export Settings
Bannerlord may require different exports from different 3D software, the specific requirements could be specified for the community.
Tpac Organization
The way the folder structure is created within the Resource Browser, and in return, the structure of the generated TPACs.
Meshes can have keyframes that are necessary for some of the functions within the editor.
Naming Conventions
Meshes require naming conventions to be recognized for specific purposes by the editor.
Levels of detail are created for meshes to improve performance at a distance.
The number or limit for meshes in Bannerlord.
The settings available on materials.
Using material settings and textures to create transparency on meshes.
Using material settings and textures to create transparency on meshes.
Vertex Animation
Animations that are baked into a mesh and the frames imported into Bannerlord.
Custom Skeletons
Custom skeletons that have been added by modders.
Custom Animations
Custom animations that have been added by modders.
2D Art and User Interface
Textures/images that make up the user interface.
Implementing custom characters and mounts, or editing the existing ones.
Cloth Physics
The use of simulation meshes and vertex alphas to create cloth physics.
Getting ranged and melee weapons and shields to work and look properly
Adding armours to Bannerlord.
Scene Assets and Prefabs
Adding or overriding scene assets or prefabs with the editor.
Skeletons for modders to rig their assets to.
Any other resource outside of the mod tools that may be considered for the modding community.
Thank you for your assistance!
The current collection of questions can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xvYs6UXQjZNFqaTnEbGaVCpHGVQ7Hwuj01WasTGbPpk/edit?usp=sharing
If you have questions about asset creation, post below. Formatting the questions and separating it from any comments would be appreciated. Categorize your questions using the headers or topics below. If you are unsure if your question is relevant, or unsure about it's categorization, ask anyways. The questions will be reviewed before being made presentable. Please focus on the questions and keep discussion to a minimum.
Importing and Exporting
Importing and exporting assets to and from Bannerlord.Resource Browser
Using the Resource Browser for asset creation or implementation.
Export Settings
Bannerlord may require different exports from different 3D software, the specific requirements could be specified for the community.
Tpac Organization
The way the folder structure is created within the Resource Browser, and in return, the structure of the generated TPACs.
Meshes or models for their use in BL.Keyframes
Meshes can have keyframes that are necessary for some of the functions within the editor.
Naming Conventions
Meshes require naming conventions to be recognized for specific purposes by the editor.
Levels of detail are created for meshes to improve performance at a distance.
The number or limit for meshes in Bannerlord.
Materials and Textures
Materials created within the editor, their settings, and textures.Materials
The settings available on materials.
Using material settings and textures to create transparency on meshes.
Using material settings and textures to create transparency on meshes.
Animations and Skeletons
Modding animations and skeletons.Vertex Animation
Animations that are baked into a mesh and the frames imported into Bannerlord.
Custom Skeletons
Custom skeletons that have been added by modders.
Custom Animations
Custom animations that have been added by modders.
Asset Implementation
Workflow pertaining to implementing assets(weapons, armours, characters, UI, scene props, etc) properly in game.2D Art and User Interface
Textures/images that make up the user interface.
Implementing custom characters and mounts, or editing the existing ones.
Cloth Physics
The use of simulation meshes and vertex alphas to create cloth physics.
Getting ranged and melee weapons and shields to work and look properly
Adding armours to Bannerlord.
Scene Assets and Prefabs
Adding or overriding scene assets or prefabs with the editor.
Modding Resources
Taleworlds has provided 3 skeletons as modding resources for the community, they may choose to continue and expand these.Skeletons
Skeletons for modders to rig their assets to.
Any other resource outside of the mod tools that may be considered for the modding community.
Thank you for your assistance!