Anyone tried Dwarf Fortress?

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Swadius said:
AWdeV said:
Got a peasant, strong, almost never sick, quick to heal, no skills.

Because I was harassed by kobolds and capybaras I decided to make the guy militia captain. Outfitted him in copper with a bronze breastplate and a golden maul. Ordered him to attack some drakes for practice. He bit off the wing of the first one, spent four pages bashing (with the maul!) and scratching number two and smacked number three's head to paste with a third blow.

Guy definitely needs more practice.

Hammers generally aren't that good against entities that aren't armored. They're great in conjunction with other stuff if you're facing heavily armored opponents, but otherwise if you have one dwarf doing the major fighting, it's probably best to equip a spear or an axe.

Oh, I know, but I felt that using a golden maul to smack a few ducks would be hilarious. Didn't anticipate glancing hits though. :razz: 'sides, a golden spear would be even worse. :razz:

Not that this was any major fighting, this was really basic practice for an utter noob. I've already recruited more and I'm busy crafting copper spears and axes for them. :lol:

Austupaio said:
Well gold is a piss poor blunt weapon material, skills aside.

It should be one of the very best, seeing as blunt weapons rely on the weight of the weapon. And 25 weight is more than decent. He just needs more practice and the ducks were moving too much. :lol:

MadocComadrin said:
Get off your asses, Urist McLazies! It's time to test and play!

Ofcourse, the day after I start a new fort the new version comes out. :lol: I'll muck along further with this one first.
Downloaded new version, starting Fenceworlds now (ere the dingoes get hungry.) I forgot that there's no tilesets yet, but poo.

Edit; seems to me things are zoomed out further than before, but maybe that's just because I don't have a tileset. :razz:
Get a tileset. :razz:

Anyway. I managed to cut a wound in the flank of my volcano and locked it with a steel floodgate without getting any miners killed. Got me a goblin-exectution/defensive mechanism now. I'm planning to build a pump over the edge as well. Probably not gonna do a whole lot of damage but hey, still fun.
Hmm, the zooming was because it was without a tileset it seems. Also, I can't find  Run DF_savegame_updater.bat to update your savegames nor Run DF_phoebus_init_updater.bat to update your inits. So I'm just gonna gen a new world. :razz:

Sweet, hematite, magnetite, limestone. A haunted/serene area and a brook waterfall.
Wormy tendrils.They're like grass, but muscular. And it's raining fetid goo. (Purple.) My Dwarfs are all dizzy. Edit; And there's blood everywhere, but no-one sshowing a wound. My hunter shot and killed a porcupine, which has been butchered, and is now hunting emus.

Edit2; Hammerers are an assignable position again and you can't cancel designations someone's working on! (!!!)
****, stormed necromancers tower (Purple 'I').Managed to take down both Dwarf Bone doctor necromancers, but was then swarmed by random corpses and several bodyparts of the first necro dood and my various peasant companions.


It gives the bastards an advantage.
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