Adding items/porting items from Floris question

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Hi All,

I recently started playing Warband+Silverstag (after coming from Floris) and must say I am VERY impressed. This mod has breathed fresh life into Warband, something which I did not think possible after playing this game for 500+ hours.

Anyways, I am missing some of the items from Floris though, a lot of the armors/horses/weapons etc.
I have already ported over the hair/face/beard textures and those work great.

I am wondering, if I only want to add the Floris items to the shops, is there anything special I have to consider due to Silverstag's commissioning mechanic? Or is it as simple as adding items to vanilla Native (which I have done before)?

Also, I plan on releasing this (Floris hair/face/beards + armors/weapons/horses) as a submod/enhancement for Silverstag at some point :grin:

Adding items to the mod is similar to doing so natively.  Just make sure to add them prior to the items_end item.  This makes them available for commissioning and factors them into the autoloot rating system.

When a new save is used those items will be rated against the rest so if you add a new sword that is vastly superior to existing one-handed weapons then it will become the new 100% rated item for that class bumping down the ratings on other items of that class.  This could alter the tier ratings of troops a little, but not by much.  Some might move up or down a tier.
Windyplains said:
Adding items to the mod is similar to doing so natively.  Just make sure to add them prior to the items_end item.  This makes them available for commissioning and factors them into the autoloot rating system.

When a new save is used those items will be rated against the rest so if you add a new sword that is vastly superior to existing one-handed weapons then it will become the new 100% rated item for that class bumping down the ratings on other items of that class.  This could alter the tier ratings of troops a little, but not by much.  Some might move up or down a tier.

Thanks for the info, I will try merging the Floris items into the mod then and seeing how it goes.
Xen0tech said:
You might also consider waiting for the next patch which is adding and rebalancing items.

Definitely the plan, just want to start getting familiar with the source and temporarily hacking something together to get something of a workflow going.
wrwlf said:
Definitely the plan, just want to start getting familiar with the source and temporarily hacking something together to get something of a workflow going.
Once I am done making save breaking changes within v0.26 I will make the source available to you so you can get started earlier if you would like.  Most of the item transferring process could be done before then though if you just keep the your items together in the list (at the end) and keep your own separate resource files.  Merging the changes over then should be easy.
shameless bump, but could anyone explain or link me a guide to how to get Floris items and hair/beard etc into Silverstag? Obviously I've tried searching, but alas...
Items are easy, you need to import their .brf files from resources file, texture files from textures file and to create their item code entries. Copypasting Floris  code should do.
after compiling i get an error

and when i edit the then compile, i do not see any change in item_kinds1.txt.

please sir can you help me?
I get those errors, too. They don't affect the result of compilation.

However, if you add new items, you need to either use script (the old one) or compile it with WRECK twice iirc.
Leifdin said:
I get those errors, too. They don't affect the result of compilation.

However, if you add new items, you need to either use script (the old one) or compile it with WRECK twice iirc.

i really appreciate step by step procedure.:3

i couldn't go back to other mods because of this awesome mod.but i really want to add some items for it but simple stuff for you guys might be a little complex for me.
All right, so I compiled my items yesterday and here is how to do it:
-you add your items to; note that it's advisable to add items at the end of the list, otherwise you'll break your saved games
-then you'll need to use old building script build_module.bat; you may not have it, get it here:
-the old building script can't compile scripts, but it will compile items
-thus use compile.bat script
-it should be done now
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