Absolutely amazing work.

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I appreciate all the effort, and having dabbled a little bit, I understand the time involved, but really after, what, 3 years? with the same character menu issues, masacred character face screen, broken quests, random non-senisical error messages regarding skull caps (when travelling overland), random quests assigned without any interaction, and very amusing language choices, despite having the original game as a referrence, don't you think it's time to add some more help?

It's a good idea, don't get me wrong. But at the moment, it's more amazingly buggy rather than simply amazing.

3 years? More like 5! :razz:

I understand your concerns, some features have indeed been neglected. Or in fact, not worked on at all since the beginning. Focus has mainly been on scening from my side. Some of those should have been worked on/fixed by now, but 'unfortunately' because of the size of the mod and the fact that I have quite an occupying RL next to doing this in my spare-time. Work is on a low-pace on the coding front.

Any help is always welcome, but I won't go asking others to fix my problems. In time, we'll manage to get all the issues fixed. But until then, any reports on current bugs are highly appreciated, as always!

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